Build 9056 (2024-10-17) Fixed: An issue affecting the Delivery Delay setting for Email which could cause a longer or shorter delay of ticket imports. Build 9042 (2024-10-03) Added: Support for IMAP events. Added: Tickets can now be imported from email using IMAP. Changed: Diagnostics page now matches other products. Changed: Updated geographic data. Removed: The save button from Diagnostics > Current Thread Status and Log Files tabs since there is noting to save on those tabs. Removed: The Save button in Email > POP and SMTP tabs since the save happens when creating the POP and SMTP accounts. Fixed: Agent role permissions are not enforced properly when creating Canned Replies. Fixed: An issue where "disabled thread" messages were incorrectly, and frequently, added to IMAP/POP logs. Fixed: Creating an agent with a 100+ character password causes an error. Fixed: Emails with German characters can occasionally break POP importing. Fixed: Multiple accounts (IMAP/POP) importing to the same department triggers a comment saying that the ticket is going to multiple departments. Fixed: The Download All attachments link can duplicate the files in the ZIP file. Build 9007 (2024-08-29) Added: A warning when changing SMTP/POP OAuth account settings that Reconnect is needed when making changes. Added: Broken links detector now shows a warning on links that specifically reference HTTP instead of HTTPS. Changed: Error log for POP/SMTP Thread not running to clarify what caused the error. Changed: POP account form was cleaned up for OAuth to clarify the purpose of various input fields. Changed: Renamed the "Test Settings" button on the integrations page to "Test Translations" to better reflect what is being tested. Changed: Ticket Attachment Size does not generate immediately, but now shows for all time instead of a date range. Changed: Ticket attachment sizes now show in megabytes or kilobytes, depending on size. Changed: Ticket Attachments tab now has the option to show all attachments. Fixed: An issue that could cause an error when responding to a ticket with an email that was used in a deleted POP account. Fixed: An issue that could cause the Diagnostics page to break. Fixed: An issue that could cause the management Login page to break. Fixed: Autoresponders are not working after hours, despite being set to Always send. Fixed: Departments "Email Importing" shows last OAuth account set up. Fixed: Diagnostics page is showing a step of the AutoPurge Thread that is not accurate. Fixed: Orphaned Ticket cleanup removes the orphaned tickets' attachments from the database but not the files on the disk. Fixed: POP Settings does not show "Auth Username" after creating the initial connection. Fixed: Survey question configuration fails to load that type's configuration options the second time. Fixed: Ticket CC and BCC characters limit is being truncated. Translations: Updated translations. Build 8979 (2024-08-01) Added: New API's allowing attachments to be added to ticket messages. Added: New Audit report for Ticket Attachment Size. Added: New confirmation modal to the Diagnostics > Detailed Logging button. Added: Office hours can now be set for autoresponders. Added: The ability to create new Master Templates for system emails, email Event actions, and autoresponders that includes the ability set Master Templates by Brand. Changed: Email Action modal has been update to be cleaner and easier to use. Changed: Licensing page styling improved for readability. Changed: Master Templates are now being used for all outbound emails except for Ticket Replies, Reports, and Error Logs. Fixed: An issue that could cause some inbound Tickets to shows as HTML instead of plain text in the ticket communications tab. Fixed: Clicking on the IP in Who's On does not open the map. Fixed: Drafts of ticket replies can show underlined text. Fixed: Employees are unable to post links in the Community. Fixed: Google translations are not working. Fixed: Survey reports with any filter selected display a fatal error when generating the reports. Build 8928 (2024-06-12) Added: Homograph protection for Internationalized Domain Names. Added: When an Organization has a comment on it, show the comment on all tickets from members of that organization. Changed: Automated events now flag the email actions as autoresponses. Changed: Email verification now handles the Unicode period. Changed: If a received message From field has more than 10 email addresses in it, an autoresponder is not sent. Changed: POP and SMTP now check and use the auth methods that are supported by the mail server. Changed: POP will now check if the mail server supports UIDL, when "Leave On Server" setting is enabled, and will show an error if UIDL is not supported. Fixed: An issue that could cause a ticket to break the preview page making it unable to be interacted with. Fixed: An issue with Froala's Insert Image menu that causes the entire compose window to be highlighted and image is added as 3 attachments. Fixed: Broken Links are showing for some KBs when their links cause redirects. Fixed: Clicking on a message in the Spool pops up an empty page. Fixed: Event emails can be sent with no body/HTML content. Fixed: Opening a ticket from Microsoft Teams in a web browser and trying to add or delete a comment will cause the modal to not close. Fixed: Pop retrieval failures occasionally cause incomplete .EML files. Fixed: Strange errors can appear on the Self Diagnostic page. Fixed: Styling on the generic error page for the Portal. Fixed: The Edit buttons for KB feedback are not displayed properly in some browsers. Fixed: The size of Move dialog box is too small. Fixed: When creating/editing a Community post, some text is being set as a link when saving the post. Fixed: When editing KB Feedback, some HTML tags are displayed. Fixed: When the Department selector in Live Chat encounters an error, the error is not being displayed causing the page to look like nothing happens. Translations: Added missing translations. Build 8853 (2024-03-28) Added: Support for international domains across various areas, include POP and SMTP. Fixed: Attempting to open a live chat from the User Details window results in an "Oops!" page. Build 8839 (2024-03-14) Added: HSTS header for sites when "Force traffic of HTTPS" is enabled. Added: Items to SmarterTrack Search “exclusions” list. Changed: Event actions that support sending emails, like Send Reply to Ticket and Send Email, now use Froala. Changed: Popup windows updated to have consistent sizes. Changed: The "Post Links in KB Feedback" setting to "Post Links in Portal" to restrict link posting across the portal. Changed: Updated the New Ticket Sources report to include Tickets by API and Tickets by Chat Widget. Changed: User signatures now respect the post limit and Post link settings/permissions to prevent unauthorized links in signatures. Fixed: Issue that could cause Azure translations to fail. Fixed: Issue that could cause replies to tickets to fail to send under specific conditions. Fixed: KB and News attachments are not respecting the permissions set for News and KBs. Fixed: Radio Buttons and Multi Select Options do not work for Chat Surveys. Fixed: Some external sender warnings in the subject line are being duplicated during ticket replies in SmarterTrack. Fixed: The News Item could duplicate the Title text when Private, Draft, or Review is selected. Build 8754 (2023-12-21) Added: A Take option to the ticket list right-click menu when viewing Recent or Recently Transferred view. Added: Ability to click on a Community user's avatar image to view their profile. Added: Ticket Number to User Details window. Changed: A comment will be appended to new tickets when the sender includes POP accounts for multiple departments in the To or CC headers of the email, allowing agents to easily see the other intended recipients of the email. Changed: When OAuth needs to be reconnected, the POP, SMTP and Error logs are more descriptive and avoid a null reference error. Fixed: 'Cp1250' is not a supported encoding name. Fixed: An agent's Max Tickets setting cannot be disabled; it always reverts to the previous entry. Fixed: Brave browser cuts off the hyperlink window. Fixed: Scenario in which a department could not be deleted due to mishandling of an event when the department and group containing matching IDs. Fixed: Scenario in which enabling lock tracing can cause high CPU. Fixed: When editing a VoIP account, the Group dropdown does not remember the previous selection. Build 8572 (2023-06-22) Changed: "Force all traffic over HTTPS" is now "always on" for Hosted SmarterTrack customers. Changed: Users who don't meet the community minimum allowing them to post links have links disabled in their signatures. Fixed: Call log, chat, and task transfer modals display an unnecessary scrollbar. Security: Fixed potential vulnerability. It is recommended to update to this version or higher. Build 8545 (2023-06-06) Fixed: Brave browser has scrollbar in New > Comment modal. Fixed: Going to the thread Moderation queue can result in a site error regardless of browser. Fixed: In end user live chat "Tab mode", the color of the icon doesn't match the text properly. Fixed: Issue that could cause ticket replies to fail on send. Fixed: Knowledge Base showing broken links for URLs that are not broken. Fixed: Several Portal styling issues. Fixed: Some tickets don't move to "Active" status when Follow Up comes due. Fixed: Survey complete event doesn't trigger when a user completes a survey for a chat. Fixed: The selected ticket in the ticket list can change when the ticket list is updated. Fixed: Unable to choose assigned agent when creating Task from Ticket/Live Chat/Call Log/etc. Build 8524 (2023-05-04) Added: Active Agents pages can now be filtered by Brand. Changed: For a new Task, the Owned By field only displays when the Task is started from a ticket or chat. Changed: Several styling changes across various areas of the Management Interface. Changed: The display of attachment icons for tickets is now limited in order to prevent a large number of attachments from causing display timeouts. Changed: The Persian translation was renamed to be non-culture-specific. Changed: When deleting an Agent with Canned Replies assigned to them you can now determine what happens to the Canned Replies. Fixed: Agents without the Administrator role cannot detach tasks from tickets. Fixed: Bottom Folder/Filter menus occasionally fail to function properly. Fixed: Broken links showing up for Fixed: Community Digest email is not correctly creating the plain text part of the .eml file. Fixed: Default font causing News editor to have invalid HTML. Fixed: Drafts are no longer saved on Community replies. Fixed: If a follow-up with a comment is edited without also editing the comment, the comment shows the new agent as the creator. Fixed: In Agents/Administrators, the Last Login timestamp doesn't match the viewing administrator's time zone. Fixed: Modals now size and position properly in Right To Left mode. Fixed: Replies from multiple agents that are added as the To: address are failing. Fixed: Right To Left languages show the top menus incorrectly. Fixed: Tickets assigned to an inactive agent lose their pinned status. Fixed: User signatures allowing CSS Styling. Fixed: When geolocation fails to get a location, the IP addresses are hidden until IIS is reset. Fixed: When performing an advanced search with only an email address, tickets are not sorted by Idle Time. Fixed: When you try to print a live chat it only prints the first page. Translations: Many translations were updated. Build 8453 (2023-02-23) Added: Added an option for managers to "Hand-off Active Tickets" on an agent's behalf in the Active Agents area. Changed: In Active Agents > By Agent, "Agent is Available" moved to the Active Agents area so it can be used on multiple agents. Changed: The Insert Canned Reply modal folder/language buttons styling to make it better match other buttons and to be more apparent that they are buttons. Changed: The last active agent for live chat warning now shows in more areas. Changed: When a follow up ticket becomes active because the follow up is due, redistribute the ticket according to the group's distribution rules. Removed: The "Assigned Agent" event condition from the "Ticket Created" event since it does not work with the "Ticket Created" event. Fixed: "Another Agent is Viewing" functionality shows as blank in some cases. Fixed: A styling issue with the error messages shown to users in relation to live chat upload errors. Fixed: Advanced Search>Custom Fields now uses a strict search criteria when searching for drop-down field type. Fixed: An alignment issue with the Post Reply button in Community button list. Fixed: An issue that could cause some deleted KB articles to error when pop-out window opens post-restart of IIS. Fixed: An issue that could cause the ticket attachments list in the filename area to visually duplicate when checking or unchecking "Incoming Ticket" in the compose window of a new ticket. Fixed: An issue that displayed some fields as editable when there were not when viewing a user in Users/Organizations or on their User Details page. Fixed: An issue where selecting a person in Who's On jumped the screen around. Fixed: An issue where the default Brand data is used when you have multiple BRANDS set up and use the Brand Name [%COMPANY%] or Post URL [%PORTALURL%] variables in email templates. Fixed: Canned Replies no longer have some images break due to improper link format. Fixed: Chat Advanced Search list no longer keeps chats in the list when they no longer meet the search criteria. Fixed: Community posts now align properly on mobile browsers. Fixed: Consistency issue for the Back and primary/action buttons when using the live chat link on the portal. Fixed: Editor icons and Call Log date picker are now aligned properly. Fixed: Files attached to Canned Replies no longer fail to download due to missing hostname. Fixed: In the Coverage Time report, the Tickets Coverage Time and Live Chat Coverage Time now have matching units of measurement once the value exceeds 24 hours. Fixed: Live chat widget now persists across tabs of a site/portal. Fixed: Newly added Holidays now display properly in Brand settings. Fixed: Sending Canned Replies with images in them via Live Chats no longer sends a broken image. Fixed: Tab order issue when editing a Community thread and clicking on the Up Arrow Key. Fixed: The 'Deleted' tag on tickets, tasks, chats and call logs is now displayed consistently. Fixed: The actions menu for undeleting tickets and call logs now works properly for Advanced Search results. Fixed: The Send button is no longer hidden when trying to transfer tickets on mobile browsers. Fixed: Transparent favicons are no longer given solid white background when saved in the Brand settings. Fixed: Upload File button in the editor no longer creates malformed links in sent messages. Fixed: When you pop out a deleted call log into its own window and undelete it, the window auto closes properly. Efficiency: Reduced the time it takes for SmarterTrack to recognize an active live chat is ongoing when a new browser window is used to navigate to the same site/portal. Build 8367 (2022-11-30) Changed: Bootstrap updated to the latest version. (Used for the portal.) Changed: Community Top Poster list now excludes deleted users. Fixed: Adding a second Event action causes the first action to disappear, even though it is still a part of the Event. Fixed: An issue where the default ticket doesn't display properly on a new installation until the page is refreshed. Fixed: Inconsistent use of animated and plain Loading messages. Fixed: Portal Settings for users and agents in the management interface lacks survey related setting that is present on the portal side. Fixed: Scheduled email reports occasionally open inside of an iFrame. Fixed: Selecting a date in the calendar date picker breaks tabbing. Fixed: The Chat Idle and Chat Duration warnings are not displaying properly. Fixed: When a user re-opens their browser during an active live chat they need to select a department again. Fixed: When importing EML files, SmarterTrack says image encoding is not supported. Efficiency: Added cleanup routines for some logs and user timings to help reduce overall database usage. Efficiency: Updated how certain items are cached to improve overall performance. Efficiency: Updated several Javascript events to help reduce page load and improve navigation speed. Build 8334 (2022-10-26) Added: OAuth2 POP support for shared mailboxes on Exchange Online environments. (I.e., Office365/Microsoft 365, Hotmail, etc.) Changed: POP failed login events now fire after 3 login failures. Changed: The role permissions page is now dual column. Removed: IP address from the top of the survey results page. Fixed: Cursor jumping around when composing a message. Fixed: Deleted Live Chats still show the delete button, but not the undelete button. Fixed: Hitting enter when composing a message sometimes adds or removes a new line in a wrong/random location. Fixed: Live chat colors are not being used consistently across the Live Chat themes. Fixed: Mobile ticket search by ticket number returns multiples of the same ticket. Fixed: Related Time Logs are now purged from the database along with their associated ticket, chat, etc. Fixed: SmarterTrack Communicator opens call logs in IE, disregarding the default browser. Fixed: The editor's dropdown menu size overflows on smaller window sizes. Fixed: When adding an attachment to a knowledge base article during editing, the attachment link breaks after saving. Fixed: When moving between active, waiting, and closed, the tab counters briefly display a 0. Fixed: While composing a new ticket, editing a comment pops up as a new comment instead of an edit. Efficiency: Improved speed and performance of loading completed live chats. Build 8312 (2022-10-05) Added: Focus-visible styling to support keyboard navigation. Added: If the browser blocks a popup, a modal appears asking to allow popups. Added: Role configuration options for Canned Replies. Changed: Private, Draft, and Flagged icons now appear on the KB list, and in the article on the portal. Fixed: Confirmation modals are not repositioning properly when screen sizes change. Fixed: Drop-down Custom Field shows blank/empty option when using Advanced Search. Fixed: Insert Canned reply modal list is not updating when trying to search. Fixed: Modals are not sizing/moving properly when the screen is resized. Fixed: Moderated community posts are disappearing even if they're approved. Fixed: Oddities regarding Safari's interpretation of "focus:visible". Fixed: Reports are not translating the Group column if group names use translatable strings. Fixed: The Active Agents area is not properly hiding/showing for Administrator-only accounts. Fixed: The Preview tab that appears when creating a new survey does not properly display a preview of the Questions that are being added/removed until it is saved. Fixed: When a new department is created, the Ticket, Chat and Call Log templates are not properly set to the Default templates. Fixed: When an Administrator account does not have the Agent role, the Live Chats area appears, but is completely blank. Build 8290 (2022-09-14) Added: [%TICKETNUMBER%] variable can now be included in the message shown after a ticket is submitted via the Portal. Added: Portal colors can now be easily modified on a Brand's Portal tab. Added: Sorting button for advanced search results when not searching by a "Search String". Changed: "SmarterTrack Mobile App" in the avatar menu updated to "SmarterTrack Mobile". Changed: Buttons that "save" or "add" settings now named consistently across the Management Interface. Changed: Community post titles can now be up to 150 characters. Changed: Custom messages now display default text, which can be changed as needed. Changed: Light and Dark mode setting is now stored completely on the browser, and switching between them is significantly faster. Changed: Miscellaneous dark theme changes to improve usability. Changed: Multiline translatable text areas are now styled more consistently with HTML editors. Changed: Renamed several tabs across the Management Interface to be more descriptive. Changed: Reports section now default to a blank placeholder page on initial navigation, similar to other sections. Changed: SMTP and POP Test buttons now notify a user that a test is being performed. Changed: Tab-dependent buttons were moved to the ends of button lists, making them easier to identify. Changed: The size of several content popups was increased to fit better when using Safari. Fixed: "Agent is typing" message does not appear properly on command-line live chat link style. Fixed: Administrator-only users currently see a global New menu without elements. Fixed: An Event for when a ticket is transferred doesn't trigger if the transfer was initiated by a Ticket Created Event. Fixed: Conversation tab popup for editing custom field values is not formatted properly. Fixed: Deleting an agent completes successfully, but the modal does not close. Fixed: Enabling Detailed Logs causes the logs tab to lose contents until the page is refreshed. Fixed: In Groups, the first user in the list can not be edited. Fixed: In Who's On events, Conditions and Action variables related to live chat invites were still showing, even though that functionality has been removed. Fixed: Issue where it's not possible to un-delete chats. Fixed: Marking a community comment as a resolution is failing. Fixed: Mobile link images should not be user-selectable. Fixed: Modals for related surveys and time logs were not always showing. Fixed: New Live Chat Links were not setting default colors properly. Fixed: New Live Chat Links were selecting the wrong default images. Fixed: News item does not enforce a subject being required in order to be created. Fixed: No message appears if a department disallows tickets submitted via the portal when live chat is in offline mode. Fixed: Saving a new custom Role without a name shows a persistent spinner. Fixed: SMTP/POP modal buttons flicker when the modals load. Fixed: Some live chat link styles do not show up as the hyperlink colors when sent through chat. Fixed: Some setting and search controls were showing misaligned in Safari. Fixed: Subject is being changed/truncated when "re:" is in the subject. Fixed: Survey and Form pages have extra margins around their settings. Fixed: Tags will not save for Community posts when using MySQL Server 8.0.30. Fixed: The Custom Field > Template setting for "Required for Agents to close tickets" is being enforced when deleting tickets. Fixed: Ticket numbers sent through chat are not hyperlinked properly. Fixed: When a chat in Queue is ended because the last available agent goes Unavailable, the chat can only be found in the management interface when using Advanced Search by Queue. Fixed: When clicking on the Chat in Queue menu bar alert, the live chat shows in the list and preview panes, but the nav pane shows "My Active" selected, not the "Queue". Fixed: When selecting a specific brand when adding a Knowledge Base article, it will now save properly. Fixed: When sending a ticket reply, embedded videos do not show in HTML view or in the ticket reply, even though it does get sent. Fixed: When you change the POP > Encryption setting to TLS and click on Test, it takes too long time to return the result. Fixed: Who’s On button bar was improperly resizing when switching tabs. Build 8277 (2022-08-30) Fixed: An issue where live chat displays an empty chat interface when chat is offline. Fixed: Default offline message for live chat is incorrect when only one department is configured. Fixed: KB Search isn't navigating correctly when live chat is offline. Fixed: The submit button that displays when submitting a ticket via live chat link isn't consistent with other pages. Build 8271 (2022-08-24) IMPORTANT: Added Microsoft OAuth2 support for POP and SMTP accounts. IMPORTANT: Introducing the SmarterTrack Mobile app, available for iOS and Android devices. IMPORTANT: Feature icons in the management interface consolidated into a dropdown menu for easier identification. IMPORTANT: Management interface better adapts to small monitors. IMPORTANT: Management interface refreshed and more modern. Added: Live chat links now offer customizable colors. Added: Pop out icons to areas that did not already have them. Added: Refresh button for the Spool settings page. Changed: "Forward to" is now "Copy To" when configuring agents for Quality Control. Changed: Active Groups renamed to My Groups. Changed: Adjusted the order of the role options to be more consistent between agent and user roles. Changed: Advanced Search moved back under the various My sections. (I.e., My Tickets, My Tasks) Changed: Arrow navigation replaced with a keyboard shortcut (ctrl + up/down arrows). Changed: Attachments for live chat stored as attachments, not hyperlinks. Changed: Built-in Custom Fields are now indicated on the custom fields page. Changed: Business hours modal now shows the day of the week in the title. Changed: Button styling on the Portal updated to be more consistent with the rest of the new interface. Changed: Dashboards renamed to Active Agents. Changed: Date/time picker icons updated to be more modern. Changed: Default text edited for consistency and conciseness. Changed: Google Analytics Site ID updated to accept either GA3 or GA4 tracking code. Changed: Groups for Agents/Administrators are now sorted in order by Brand/Department/Group. Changed: Live chat end user interface updated to use modern standards with expanded user functionality. Changed: Moved filters (e.g., Active, Waiting, Closed) to top of the ticket/call log/task lists. Changed: Moved the pop out button to the menu bar in tickets, chats, call logs, and tasks. Changed: Pulse effect was removed for warning boxes. Changed: Required fields now prevent the setup wizard from finishing if they are left blank. Changed: Settings pages now utilize wide grids, not side-by-sides. Changed: Setup wizard help links now point to more relevant areas of the help documentation. Changed: Tabs only render when there are items associated with them, where possible. Changed: The "Also viewing" icon now matches the rest of the product. Changed: The "Preview" tab was moved to the end for Forms and Surveys. Changed: The color picker was updated to use the native browser color picker. Changed: The tab dropdown now matches the Actions drop down on a ticket. Changed: The text for pages with no items was updated to "No items to show" or "No items to show for this view". Changed: Updated the embedded live chat to be much more efficient. Changed: User's role moved underneath their name in the management interface avatar menu. Changed: Waiting in queue custom message is now independent of the position in queue message for chat, allowing for more user friendly messages. Changed: When editing Roles, feature tabs are now hidden unless the permission is set to "Custom". Removed: flashing line on Alert/Reminder popups. Removed: Invite to Chat for Who's On. Removed: Queue as an Active Agent, to avoid confusion. Fixed: "No Items To Show For This View" watermark should not be selectable. Fixed: A scrollbar appears when attempting to email a transcript of a completed chat. Fixed: Adding internal attachments to tickets doesn't work. Fixed: Advanced Search for Knowledge Base is not displayed in the correct spot. Fixed: After an upgrade, the CSP isn't adding Google Tag Manager until the Security tab is loaded and saved. Fixed: Agents with read-only permissions for Users/Organizations can still add Organizations. Fixed: An "Invalid Cast" exception when auto-purging tickets from the database. Fixed: An agent is unable to change their password when using the “Change Password” button in My Preferences. Fixed: An issue that can cause the auto-responder images to be broken on delivery. Fixed: An issue that caused too much space to be shown at the bottom of a ticket messages. Fixed: An issue that could list "bad file extension" as the cause for a ticket failing to deliver. Fixed: An issue where chats are duplicated to other instances. Fixed: Attempting to add another event action, after other event actions have been added and saved, results in a permanent spinner. Fixed: Attempting to create a new task from a call log results in a spinning "Oops!" page in the modal. Fixed: Attempting to save a KB article containing inline images causes errors. Fixed: Call log times are not being shown correctly when editing a log. Fixed: Chats show users they are next in line when, in fact, they are not. Fixed: Clicking on the left of an arrow in the navigation tree isn't navigating to that section. Fixed: Dark theme for live chat updated so some items are easier to read. Fixed: Diagnostics page does not show scrollbars appropriately. Fixed: Disabling “Allow end users to send attachments” fails to prevent users from sending attachments until the page is refreshed. Fixed: Events for knowledge base articles are not working. Fixed: Global font setting is not being applied properly. Fixed: Grids in popup modals don't follow the background color of the modal. Fixed: Help text that is connected to a grid wraps. Fixed: Highlighting text in the compose area scrolls the window to the top of the composed message. Fixed: If a ticket contains a draft, the "Transfer Draft with Ticket" option causes the transfer and follow-up modals to contain a scrollbar. Fixed: If a tree item has children and no navigation, it should collapse/expand on click. Fixed: In Chrome for Mac, dropdown navigation isn't centered vertically. Fixed: In light mode you can't see the month-change arrows for the date picker. Fixed: In the Autoresponder > Departments tab, departments are listed in the order of creation rather than alphabetically. Fixed: Issue that could cause the priority values of a ticket to not match the selected priority. Fixed: It's not possible to add multiple related items to a ticket, chat, etc. Fixed: It's possible to save a comment with no body text. Fixed: Long ticket subject and narrower resolution causes "active" and "duration" labels to wrap around. Fixed: Message compose text should not be remembered between live chat sessions. Fixed: Modal popup windows have been sized to fit their contents better. Fixed: Multi-line custom fields on the advanced search page are rendering as multiple lines. Fixed: Navigation to some sections are not highlighting the correct views on the initial navigation. Fixed: New User popup doesn't scroll properly on first load. Fixed: Opening a Call Log window from the User Details page shows an empty Call Log page. Fixed: Organization ticket counts displayed on the portal don't match the number of tickets displayed on the management interface. Fixed: Overdue followup text isn't apparent enough. Fixed: Pop out button still shows in a popped out window for Users/Organizations pages. Fixed: Portal user summary is formatted incorrectly on narrow mode. Fixed: Refreshing the page when in the chat queue restarts the whole chat creation process. Fixed: Report selection label on Scheduled Email Reports is incorrect. Fixed: Scheduled email reports don't show an error when saving without require fields filled out. Fixed: Some messages with encoded file names fail to import properly. Fixed: Some of the links/Urls in the site do not handle subwebs properly. Fixed: The "Add" button isn't working when creating a ticket. Fixed: The "Agent-Group Relationship" modal Options header is always visible even when the selected agent is not a member of the group. Fixed: The "Clear" button in Advanced Search for Tasks does not work. Fixed: The agent side of the Live Chat is encoding the username incorrectly. Fixed: The Details tab for a User is not consistent with My Preferences. Fixed: The icons on the portal homepage break when the screen width is at exactly 767 pixels. Fixed: The organization list is not updating when a new organization is created. Fixed: The primary color is not being applied in the live chat link preview when entering the color. Fixed: The sizing of the interface is broken when zooming in, then zooming back out. Fixed: The top tabs sometimes display double their counts until the page is refreshed. Fixed: Time picker is showing the minutes under the hour instead of next to it. Fixed: Timing on the database setup wizard sometimes causes an error on database creation. Fixed: Uploading an attachment to a ticket reply or on a new ticket can fail its upload and is lost when the ticket is sent. Fixed: User details page breaks if there are too many tickets. Fixed: Users count when looking at Roles is not excluding deleted users. Fixed: Various reports were not aligned properly. Fixed: When a user closes their window with the live chat on it, the live chat does not show as disconnected. Fixed: When agents chat with themselves, the chat bubbles are no longer the same color. Fixed: When editing a live chat link on a nested directory the image becomes broken. Fixed: When on the KB page of the live chat, refreshing takes you to a blank page. Fixed: When setting a followup to Waiting, the followup counter on the left doesn't change. Fixed: When you close a ticket and send the survey the "OOPS!" page appears when you click the link. Fixed: When you edit a Task that's related to a Call Log, and use the Agent dropdown to select an agent, saving the task results in an endless spinner in the pop out window. Fixed: When you open a task from the Related Items tab of a Ticket, Call Log, or Live Chat, the modal shows the Related Items field as an editable field. Efficiency: Updated how the ticket and live chat timers work resulting in far less CPU usage. Security: Fixed potential vulnerabilities. It is recommended to update to this version or higher. Translations: Updated the German translations file. Build 8158 (2022-05-04) Fixed: Agent/User with email address in all capital letters is unable to submit or reply to tickets. Security: Certain Company Website values were causing the Content Security Policy (CSP) to generate incorrectly and break the portal. Build 8146 (2022-04-21) Fixed: An issue that, in some cases, caused the Organization page to not load if members were created using a phone number. Security: Fixed potential vulnerability. It is recommended to update to this version or higher. Build 8125 (2022-03-31) Removed: Unused sort options in Tasks. Fixed: A situation where encoded attachment filenames and split filenames are not being handled properly. Fixed: An issue that could cause spaces being added to attachment extensions. Fixed: An issue that could cause surveys to not send after a ticket is closed. Fixed: iPhone incorrectly identified in Live Chats and is shown as a Mac OSX device. Fixed: Margins are not set properly when using "Tab" as the chat link Display Type and multiple lines of text. Fixed: Some replies are being truncated when sent for tickets that contain certain special characters. Fixed: The Call Log API is not properly handling a call's start/end times. Fixed: The sort order is reset for Canned Replies when the page is refreshed. Fixed: When adding a new ticket to a live chat, the ticket initially has incorrect Custom Fields options. Efficiency: Reduced the frequency of database calls for certain areas. Build 8102 (2022-03-08) Fixed: Issue with MySQL startup occasionally causing threads not to start. Build 8097 (2022-03-03) Changed: POP logic to help prevent duplicate tickets when the original email is edited. Removed: Unused tables from the database. Fixed: Clicking Cancel on the "Mark All As Read" dialog in the Community results in loss of button. Fixed: Event action variable "#body#" does not work when the ticket is created from the portal. Fixed: If a live chat is assigned to the Queue, it does not appear on the Live Chats tab in the User Details window. Fixed: Issues with the API call for creating new tickets when the tickets use plain text for the body. Fixed: KB Searches trend report does not group by month correctly. Fixed: KB Searches trend report does not group by quarter correctly. Fixed: Maria DB 10.6.5 does not work with SmarterTrack. Fixed: The portal's "Mark All As Read" modal body text does not use the custom text color set for the portal. Fixed: When the default value is not set for the Date, Date&Time, or Time Custom Fields, nothing is displayed for the Custom Field in the management interface. Efficiency: Increased speed of some of the most common background tasks. Efficiency: Several instances of excessive database queries were removed. Efficiency: Updated database indexes leading to an increase in performance. Efficiency: Updated the auto-clean process to include UserWebSessions. Build 8075 (2022-02-09) Added: Support for SmarterTrack Mobile. More information can be found in the SmarterTools Community. Changed: Agent Web Sessions audit report will now go back up to 24 months Changed: Chat in queue notification was is now more visible/noticeable. Changed: Enabling lock tracing now takes effect without a service restart Changed: Improved the persistence of Chat sessions during IIS resets. Fixed: "Clear Formatting" button in editor shows as "Cell Formatting" when SmarterTrack language is set to UK. Fixed: HTML styling isn't applied to "AddMessageToTicket" API call for agent messages. Fixed: Number of brand-specific tickets is incorrectly displayed when navigating to the Management Interface from new tab. Fixed: Reassigning a chat when an agent is disconnected does not work properly. Fixed: SmarterTrack Portal is showing ticket alerts even if the ticket section is not available on the portal. Fixed: Submit button for ending a user live chat isn't sized properly in some browsers. Fixed: When closing a ticket using the Send and Transfer option, missing a required custom field does not prevent the reply from being sent, but keeps the compose window open. Fixed: When using two connected SmarterTrack Instances and Transferring a ticket with an Anonymous user the name for the user becomes NA. Security: Fixed potential vulnerability. Build 8019 (2021-12-15) Changed: If a lone agent is active in chat for a group, and a chat hits their "Hand-off" response timeout option, the chat is no longer removed from the agent. Fixed: Custom Report doesn't display an hourly breakdown, but the emailed report does. Fixed: When any Group is being used as a condition for an Event, no Groups can be deleted. Fixed: When sending a draft that was composed and saved by another agent, the original agent's signature is appended and not the actual sender's. Build 8004 (2021-11-30) Changed: Date / Time pickers now respect the selected language to better handle calendar layouts. Changed: Links in the management interface, that are not in an editable area, now open in a new tab. Changed: The "Other Agents Viewing" icon now represented with an Eye icon. Changed: Where appropriate, "Agent" used in place of User or Employee in various areas of SmarterTrack. Fixed: Auto-Created time logs for Tickets does not go past 1 minute and 15 seconds. Fixed: Auto-responders do not send images. Fixed: Create Ticket API call fails if the To: address is empty. Fixed: Creating an ticket from the API with "IsHTML" set to true does not keep HTML elements in the ticket body. Fixed: Display bug in Custom Reports. Fixed: Editor loses focus when using Ctrl/Cmd + Z to remove a hyperlink. Fixed: Four separate Custom Report Items fail to generate. Fixed: If you resize the compose window while uploading a file, the upload continues to load but the status indicator disappears. Fixed: Some community posts cannot be upvoted. Fixed: Transferring a ticket fails when certain circumstances are present. Fixed: When creating a new ticket, the Incoming Ticket label and its check box are not grouped together so when the window is resized they wrap individually. Fixed: When transferring multiple tickets there is a chance that the Groups shown are not ones the agent is a member of. Fixed: When you hover over the ticket row in User Details, some of the icons disappear from view. Security: Fixed potential minor vulnerability. Build 7922 (2021-09-09) Added: A setting on the Departments > Options page that allows administrators to set "Mark as Billable" as the default for time logs. Added: In Autoresponders, added a #priority# variable for referencing the ticket's priority. Added: The ability to get a ticket's FollowUpDateUTC from all API calls that return TicketInfo. (E.g., CreateIncomingTicket.) Added: The ability to use Translatable Strings in the Brands > Custom Messages area. Added: Validation of the items on the reply compose page when sending a ticket message and choosing 'Send and Schedule Follow-up' or 'Send and Transfer'. Changed: Community Employee Activity Overview report to show the Employee's Display Name instead of Username. Changed: Default Follow-up time to one day versus one hour. Changed: In the Live Chat Link > Live Chat Online/Offline tabs, Anchor Title is now the Anchor Title as well as the Alt Tag. Changed: The process of checking the bounce message for the ticket number will now check the embedded email, if it exists, in the bounce message to find the ticket number. Fixed: Custom Reports do not respect the row count setting. Fixed: If you use the "Reply with Copy" option on a ticket, and a draft is saved, the draft will stay on the ticket even after the email is sent. Fixed: In the SmarterTrack API documentation, "number" is incorrectly spelled "numer" in various locations. Fixed: Issue that could cause the embedded chat to break after sending an email transcript of the chat. Fixed: The Canned Replies Contribution report shows no data. Fixed: The Canned Replies Popularity report is ignoring the filters. Fixed: The cookie disclaimer on the management login modal is not recognizing translatable strings. Fixed: The News Contribution reports shows no data. Fixed: The setting to block chats while a call log is open can fail in certain instances. Fixed: Unable to thumbs up a recently edited comment in the Community. Fixed: Uploading an image or file through the editor on the portal fails if you are not an agent. Fixed: When using the API calls, GetTicketCounts_Agent and GetTicketCounts_Global, to return ticket counts, FollowUpTicketCount always returns -1 instead of the accurate follow-up count. Translations: The Spanish translation for "Home" was changed from "Particular" to "Inicio". Build 7859 (2021-07-08) Changed: Comments on knowledge base articles are now called "Feedback". Changed: Resending a ticket message will now also send the message to carbon copied (CC) addresses. Changed: Updated Bootstrap to version 4.3.1. Removed: The permissions option 'All Users (login not required)' was removed from the Brand Permissions > Post Links in KB Feedback. Fixed: Email content with the header "Content-Type: text/plain;" (with a trailing semi-colon) does not register properly. Fixed: Issue that could cause the failure of Ticket Idle and Ticket Duration events configured for tickets with a custom field. Fixed: When a Ticket Comment event action contains the #body# variable, the line breaks are missing from the comment body. Fixed: When modals are moved off-screen they get stuck which can only be resolved with a refresh. Security: General fixes implemented for non-critical issues. Build 7845 (2021-06-24) Added: Ordering arrows to the Report Items tab of custom reports which allow agents to manually re-order report items used. Removed: The column title for the up/down arrows from the header in areas that allow ordering of elements. Fixed: A space is continually removed from the Email Templates after it's added it back. Fixed: Doing a CSV or TAB export of a custom report containing multiple variations of the same report item only exports one set of data. Fixed: Having "#mobileadminhyperlink#" in an event will cause that event to not fire. Fixed: Inconsistent text box styling on the Management Interface password reset page when using Dark Theme. Fixed: Live Chat Ticket/Live Chat submissions are broken when using the DateTime custom field in the live chat or ticket template. Fixed: Social media links now display with the proper height. Fixed: Social media links now have proper noopener and noreferrer tags. Fixed: Special characters are improperly encoded in follow-up comments that get generated on subsequent ticket replies. Fixed: Ticket event action "Send Reply to Ticket" does not send if the ticket does not have a CC address. Translations: Updated the Italian translations. Build 7803 (2021-05-14) IMPORTANT: It is not possible to downgrade or rollback to previous versions due to modifications to the SmarterTrack database. Added: DateLastLogincUTC to the GetUsersProperties and the GetUsersPropertiesbyUsername API calls. Added: Indicator on a ticket (using SignalR) to show when another agent is viewing the same ticket. Added: Setting to "Force password change at next login" when creating or editing a user or agent via the management interface or through the SetUsersProperties API call. Changed: In the navigation pane, "All" / "My" removed from the By Department and By Agent lists. Changed: Ticket messages that have been resent will now show that resend attempt within the message body itself. Removed: Agent-to-Agent Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms. Fixed: If an agent started a chat from the portal, it will no longer display the incorrect "is typing" message to them. Fixed: When you edit an SMTP or POP account using the right-click menu, two modal windows appear, one on top of the other. Build 7789 (2021-04-29) Added: GetTicketRelatedItemInfoArrayResult API call to return a list of related items for a ticket. Changed: A ticket's Related Item messages are no longer returned when using the API to get a ticket's messages. (Affected API calls: GetTicketConversationPartListFromTicketNumber and GetTicketConversationPartList.) Changed: Add "All" to the beginning of the global header's navigation trees. Fixed: Autoresponders are not sent to imported emails that provide a time zone using the time zone name (ex: GMT vs -0700) Fixed: On the Portal, the prepositions for date and time for German language were reversed. Fixed: Sitemap now properly returns 404 (rather than a 500 error) when a part isn't found. Fixed: The Tickets tab of the User Details window cuts off the display of the Status column, preventing an agent from viewing all icons. Fixed: User Details view was showing the old style of status icons. Fixed: When "