Lower support costs by giving customers the resources they need to find the answers they want. Articles are searchable and SEO friendly, allowing you to create additional, updateable content for your business, which search engines love. Knowledge base articles can also be organized by topic and can be created for individual Brands and, therefore, only displayed on the individual portals created for those Brands.
Try for FreeBuy NowHaving a Knowledge Base gives customers instant access to solutions and provides round-the-clock, online customer service. So even if your Agents aren't available 24 x 7, the knowledge base is. That means your customers have access to the information they need on weekends, on holidays, and any time they need it.
Knowledge Base articles, news items and Community posts are all fully indexed and searchable. That means that the search bar on the portal can return results from all of those areas, giving customers access to a wealth of information.
Articles can be completely customized using an inline HTML editor: highlight text, add in code blocks, insert images and videos, and more. Customizing articles can help make them extremely effective in relaying information to customers and end users.
Articles can be written, then marked as Draft or Private so that they can be reviewed and revised prior to being released publicly. Permissions can be set so that only certain Agents can write or review articles, offering specialization levels for employees. Articles can even be marked as "Stale" after a pre-determined amount of time, thereby ensuring they're reviewed and updated to ensure they stay relevant.
Using Custom Feeds, you can add in your own blog post snippets and custom links to things like social media outlets, partner websites and more. You can even add custom buttons to the header and push users to specific pages of a website, external resources, and more.
If a company does business in other countries, it helps to have Knowledge Base articles in that country's native language. Articles can be fully internationalized and displayed in whatever language that's set as the default in the public-facing Portal.