SmarterMail Release Notes and Version History

15.4.6151 (Nov 3, 2016)

  • Added: activeDirectoryUsername, activeDirectoryDomain and authType fields to the GetRequestedUserSettings and SetRequestedUserSettings functions of the svcUserAdmin web service allowing an account to be set to authenticate against Active Directory.
  • Added: Content-Type and Auto-Submitted header fields to SmarterMail generated bounce messages.
  • Added: Users can now disable automatic creation of tentative appointments when they receive a meeting request.
  • Changed: Updated MaxMind database used to look up physical locations of IP addresses.
  • Fixed:
  • Fixed: Added JPEG as an allowed extension when uploading a photo to a contact.
  • Fixed: Attempting to add a sub folder to a shared folder using IMAP (which is not allowed) now returns a NO response and a descriptive error message.
  • Fixed: Contact deletions by an Exchange ActiveSync client now sync correctly to clients synced using Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: Literal string arguments sent during the IMAP Login command are now handled correctly.
  • Fixed: Meeting request messages with no To or Reply-To fields now sync properly using Outlook for Mac and Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: Moving an email into a shared folder with full control using IMAP now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Shared folders now sync properly for IMAP accounts logged in with a domain alias address.
  • Fixed: Streaming events for Exchange Web Services now works properly with Apple Mail using macOS Sierra.
  • Fixed: Uploading an image while adding a new contact in webmail now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Various scenarios where modifications to calendar events outside of CalDAV would not sync properly to a CalDAV client.

15.3.6109 (Sep 22, 2016)

  • Fixed: A scenario where the SmarterMail service may not shut down properly when rebooting a server resulting in file corruption.
  • Fixed: Adding a new contact now correctly displays messages from that contact in the message tab.
  • Fixed: Disabling impersonation or domain management when creating a new system administrator now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Editing a message archive rule now displays the correct domain that the rule applies to.
  • Fixed: Some users that had shared calendars were unable to view their calendars in webmail.
  • Fixed: URLs in HTML IMG tags are now skipped when looking for links to be modified into a clickable link when viewing messages in webmail.
  • Fixed: Using autodiscover to setup an account in Outlook 2013 or 2016 will now sync using Exchange ActiveSync if it is enabled for the account.

15.3.6095 (Sep 8, 2016)

  • Added: An option to restrict bounces to only internal addresses.
  • Fixed: Autodiscover now functions correctly for Outlook on Windows.
  • Fixed: Disabling reports for a domain now hides the disk space and file storage reports for users on that domain.
  • Fixed: Modifying the email address or phone numbers of a contact in the Global Address List in webmail now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: The auto cleaning of old calendar events now properly determines when a recurring event is no longer active.
  • Fixed: The delete button now functions correctly when editing a contact in webmail.

15.3.6081 (Aug 25, 2016)

  • Changed: Deleting a domain using web services no longer accepts a domain alias name in place of the primary domain name.
  • Removed: Removed calls to a Microsoft dll as a backup for DNS lookups since an error in that dll would crash the SmarterMail service.
  • Fixed: A scenario when using Outlook with IMAP with an account that is over its disk quota where moving a message may delete the message without copying it to the destination folder.
  • Fixed: A scenario where the mailinglist.db file for a domain may not be correctly updated to a new version format from an older version.
  • Fixed: A timing issue with index processing that could cause indexing to fail for some messages.
  • Fixed: A user can no longer block their own email address using the block sender action in webmail.
  • Fixed: Added SetDigestSubscriberList2 function to the svcMailListAdmin web service that replaces the current digest list. The SetDigestSubscriberList function is now deprecated as it added subscribers in the new list to the existing list.
  • Fixed: An email message that does not include a date in the header will now display properly in search results.
  • Fixed: Auto-cleaning of a user's calendar events now removes expired recurring events.
  • Fixed: Calendar event reminders in webmail now display additional information correctly for events that do not include body text.
  • Fixed: Contacts now sync properly using the Windows 10 people app using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Fixed: Disabling folder auto-clean rules now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Messages in sent items that were sent from Outlook using Exchange ActiveSync now include the BCC header field.
  • Fixed: Migrating calendar events from Exchange now imports yearly recurring events with the correct month.
  • Fixed: Migrating data from a Google account now only asks for the Gmail credentials when email is included in the migration.
  • Fixed: Migrating notes from Exchange now includes notes found in subfolders.
  • Fixed: Parsing a message that contains more than 2048 parts is now aborted to prevent a stack overflow exception.
  • Fixed: Renaming a user or manually moving one to a new domain now automatically updates that user's primary email address in the user's Account Profile.
  • Fixed: Syncing of the Global Address List using Sharepoint sync now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: The end date for a recurring calendar event now displays correctly in webmail when that event does not include a start date.
  • Fixed: User default settings for preview pane location and auto spell check now persist after the service is restarted.
  • Fixed: Viewing a message in the virus quarantine now displays the correct message date.
  • Security: Fixed XXE vulnerability with RSS feeds.

14.7.6081 (Aug 25, 2016)

  • Fixed: A scenario where extracting the date of a message during an IMAP retrieval session could fail.
  • Fixed: A user can no longer block their own email address using the block sender action in webmail.
  • Fixed: Adding Tasks to an email now properly selects the related item.
  • Fixed: An exception is no longer thrown and logged to the delivery log when sending a message to a disabled mailing list.
  • Fixed: Auto responses now correctly reply back to SRS encoded sender addresses.
  • Fixed: CalDAV and CardDAV will now properly authenticate when a password contains a colon (:) character.
  • Fixed: Content filtering is no longer applied to the HTML markup of a message.
  • Fixed: Exchange ActiveSync now applies a global WindowSize properly during sync requests.
  • Fixed: Exchange ActiveSync will no longer cross folder IDs when connected by multiple devices on the same account.
  • Fixed: Exchange Web Services will now properly authenticate when a password contains a colon (:) character.
  • Fixed: If a folder is renamed, added, or deleted, Exchange ActiveSync will now correctly notify Android devices.
  • Fixed: Importing users from a CSV file now sets the account's max disk space according to the domain's user default settings.
  • Fixed: Indexing of calendar events no longer indexes duplicate entries when a calendar event is updated.
  • Fixed: Meetings created in a domain calendar now successfully send meeting requests to the attendees.
  • Fixed: Parsing a message that contains more than 2048 parts is now aborted to prevent a stack overflow exception.
  • Fixed: The creator of a meeting in a domain calendar can now add themselves as attendees.
  • Fixed: The Exchange ActiveSync version is now properly read and applied when passed as part of the request's querystring.
  • Fixed: The My Today Page now shows correct amount of currently used space.
  • Fixed: Windows Mail will now show calendar invitations correctly when using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Efficiency: Improved performance when navigating large calendars in webmail.
  • Security: Fixed XXE vulnerability with RSS feeds. Thanks to Dawid Golunski (

15.2.6039 (Jul 14, 2016)

  • Added: A mailConfig.xml only setting called allowViewingOfPasswords that enables the viewing of passwords in the web interface by system administrators.
  • Added: Logging for folder auto-clean processing.
  • Added: Secondary calendars can now be searched using an advanced search in webmail.
  • Added: Sending a draft message that was created from replying to an existing message now sets the replied to flag on that message.
  • Changed: Appointments that are marked as tentative no longer show as busy when checking the user's availability.
  • Changed: IMAP migrations / retrievals will now attempt to reconnect and continue if the connection is lost with the server.
  • Changed: Importing users from a CSV file now sets the account's max disk space according to the domain's user default settings.
  • Fixed: A scenario where a meeting request email with bad time zone information would cause continual Exchange ActiveSync exceptions.
  • Fixed: A scenario where an account could not be indexed for a long duration, resulting in searches not working for new messages.
  • Fixed: A scenario where moving messages with Outlook using IMAP, when the account's mailbox quota has been reached, could cause the source messages to be removed but not copied to the destination folder.
  • Fixed: Added a header field to auto-response messages in accordance with RFC 3834 to identify the message type. SmarterMail will not send auto-responses to those messages.
  • Fixed: Adding a contact from an iOS device synced with Exchange ActiveSync no longer causes blank phone number fields when editing the contact in webmail.
  • Fixed: Adding appointments to a calendar now functions properly for domains that have shared calendars disabled.
  • Fixed: An exception is no longer thrown and logged to the delivery log when sending a message to a disabled mailing list.
  • Fixed: Attendees are now saved properly when using Exchange Web Services to add or edit calendar meetings.
  • Fixed: Choosing the Email action when viewing a contact in the mobile interface now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Contacts with non-ASCII characters now show correctly in the mobile web interface.
  • Fixed: Deleting a custom report now refreshes the grid to immediately reflect that deletion.
  • Fixed: Deleting incoming gateways now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Editing a contact found through an advanced search in webmail now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Meeting invites now display correctly in Outlook 2016 for Mac synced with Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: Meeting invites whose start or end dates are at midnight UTC now correctly display the time converted to the user's time zone.
  • Fixed: Meeting requests now display correctly in Outlook 2016 for Mac when synced using Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: Message Sniffer logs are now automatically compressed and deleted according to log settings, similar to other SmarterMail logs.
  • Fixed: Replying to all from a message that is sent out via an SMTP account will now exclude that SMTP account address from the auto filled list of recipients.
  • Fixed: Searches in webmail for text separated with periods such as URL's or IP addresses now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: Signed messages now correctly show as signed in eM Client when synced using Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: SmarterMail generated auto-responses and read receipt messages will now bypass spam checks.
  • Fixed: Sorting contacts by email then leaving and returning to the contacts view now displays the contact list correctly.
  • Fixed: Tabbing through the email fields when adding or editing a new contact in webmail now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: The AddUser2 API function now works properly when the option to not allow previous passwords has been set.
  • Fixed: The confirmation popup asking if you meant to attach a file prior to sending a message will no longer appear when sending inline image attachments with the word "attach" somewhere in the body text.
  • Fixed: Turned off lock tracking that was enabled by default in previous release and wrote debug logs to the Service folder of the install path.

15.1.6005 (Jun 10, 2016)

  • Added: Message Sniffer logs are now compressed and auto deleted based on log settings.
  • Fixed: Importing users from a csv file now uses the Domain's user default settings for fields that are not set from the csv file.
  • Fixed: Renaming folders containing subfolders now functions correctly.

15.1.6004 (Jun 9, 2016)

  • Added: Andorra has been added to the list of countries in the initial wizard for newly created user accounts.
  • Added: Automatic marking of a message as read when viewed in the preview pane can now be disabled per user.
  • Added: Improved logging for handling of push email for Exchange Web Services.
  • Changed: Last login times time now display in the local time zone and include time along with the date.
  • Changed: Updated Message Sniffer binaries to the latest versions.
  • Fixed: A scenario where extracting the date of a message during an IMAP retrieval session could fail.
  • Fixed: A scenario where renaming a folder in webmail that has a name very similar to another folder could rename the wrong folder.
  • Fixed: Added translation support for a number of strings in webmail that were previously hard coded.
  • Fixed: Adding Tasks to an email now properly selects the related item.
  • Fixed: Attachments with non-ASCII characters are now displayed correctly in the mobile interface.
  • Fixed: Auto responses now correctly reply back to SRS encoded sender addresses.
  • Fixed: Calendar events imported from an ICS file that have no UID value are now assigned one.
  • Fixed: Clicking on an email address in webmail and selecting to add/edit a contact now auto fills the email address when adding the contact.
  • Fixed: Content filtering is no longer applied to the HTML markup of a message.
  • Fixed: Downloading a file from file storage with non-ASCII characters now saves with the correct name.
  • Fixed: Downloading attachments or vCards with non-ASCII characters in the file name from webmail using Internet Explorer now save with the correct name.
  • Fixed: Folder names with non-ASCII characters now display correctly in the Message Retrieval grid.
  • Fixed: In webmail, users can now change an all day appointment to a non all day appointment.
  • Fixed: Indexing of calendar events no longer indexes duplicate entries when a calendar event is updated.
  • Fixed: Plus addressing now works when domains are marked as external but are actually hosted locally.
  • Fixed: Printing attachments now properly displays non-ASCII characters.
  • Fixed: Resolved a scenario where a client syncing using Exchange ActiveSync could get stuck repeatedly calling the FolderSync function.
  • Fixed: The contacts grid now displays correctly when the Personal Fax or Company Fax fields are selected to show in the grid.
  • Fixed: The Exchange ActiveSync log will now show correct session identifiers for PING requests and responses.
  • Fixed: The HTTP response status code is no longer set when closing an Exchange Web Services long poll request since the status code is set at the start of that connection and can't be changed after that.
  • Fixed: The My Today Page now shows correct amount of currently used space.
  • Fixed: The same Google and OneDrive accounts can now be used on different mailboxes.
  • Fixed: The scenario where a client connected via a long poll using Exchange Web Services disconnects unexpectedly is now handled properly.
  • Fixed: The Spool Dashboard will now function properly if the SmarterMail service starts up with the SMTP service disabled.
  • Efficiency: Reduced memory usage for large calendars.
  • Efficiency: Viewing large calendars in webmail is now much faster, particularly in the month view.

15.0.5976 (May 12, 2016)

  • Changed: IMAP retrieval will now retry to download a message if it fails to receive data on the first attempt.
  • Changed: Viewing a contact in webmail whose primary email address matches that of the logged in account will no longer search for and fill out related items.
  • Fixed: A scenario where parsing of INTERNALDATE during an IMAP migration could fail, resulting in the message's date getting set to the date of the migration.
  • Fixed: An exception that could occur while processing spool messages due to the timing of how information is gathered for the Spool Dashboard.
  • Fixed: CalDAV and CardDAV will now properly authenticate when a password contains a colon (:) character.
  • Fixed: Checking the Select All checkbox and performing an action in webmail after searching for Contacts, Tasks or Notes now correctly applies to only the items displayed in the search results.
  • Fixed: Domain Administrators can no longer view or create temporary passwords for users.
  • Fixed: Exchange ActiveSync now applies a global WindowSize properly during sync requests.
  • Fixed: Exchange ActiveSync will no longer cross folder IDs when connected by multiple devices on the same account.
  • Fixed: If a folder is renamed, added, or deleted, Exchange ActiveSync will now correctly notify Android devices.
  • Fixed: Meetings created in a domain calendar now successfully send meeting requests to the attendees.
  • Fixed: Sending calendar invites via an impersonated user now works properly.
  • Fixed: The Chat section in webmail now automatically updates the user's chat status.
  • Fixed: The creator of a meeting in a domain calendar can now add themselves as attendees.
  • Fixed: The Exchange ActiveSync version is now properly read and applied when passed as part of the request's querystring.
  • Fixed: Windows Mail now properly supports push using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Fixed: Windows Mail will now show calendar invitations correctly when using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Efficiency: Added caching to improve performance in the monthly calendar view in webmail.

15.0.5962 (Apr 28, 2016)

  • Fixed: A timing scenario where a SMTP message added to the spool that's sent to an alias could fail to deliver.
  • Fixed: Adding calendar events using via Exchange Web Services in eM Client now functions as expected.
  • Fixed: Adding calendar events with invitees using an Exchange ActiveSync client now functions correctly.
  • Fixed: An issue where invalid characters in messages would cause cause sync failures when using Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: Disabling POP or IMAP retrieval at the domain level now properly excludes that option when adding a message retrieval item.
  • Fixed: Exchange Web Services now implements streaming events that push changes from the server to the client.
  • Fixed: Exchange Web Services now skips sending update statuses for messages that no longer exist when syncing folders.
  • Fixed: IMAP message retrieval now handles unexpected disconnections by delivering messages that have been downloaded and then starting where it left of on the next retrieval session.
  • Fixed: Renaming the primary system administrator account now properly renames that account instead of adding a new one.
  • Fixed: The Temporary Password field no longer displays in default user settings.
  • Fixed: Using IMAP retrieval, or when migrating Gmail accounts, no longer imports the special Gmail "All Mail" folder.
  • Efficiency: Max number of elements (email messages, etc.) reduced when syncing via Exchange ActiveSync to increase efficiency and speed, especially for users on slower connections.

14.6.5955 (Apr 21, 2016)

  • Added: LDAP support for querying for a UID.
  • Added: Support for the IMAP Children extension.
  • Changed: IMAP migration / message retrieval no longer downloads the GMail "All Mail" folder.
  • Changed: IMAP migration / message retrieval now uses the IMAP InternalDate of a message to use for the message date instead of trying to extract the date from the header of the message.
  • Changed: Sending notifications for Internal Spammer Abuse Detection rules (previously limited to one per hour for all Internal Spammer notifications rules with the same type of Action) are now limited to one per hour for each rule.
  • Fixed: A file storage download issue where a download would fail if it took longer than two minutes.
  • Fixed: A scenario during IMAP migrations / message retrieval where the IMAP session could hang.
  • Fixed: A scenario where the max weight for a URIBL check would not be enforced.
  • Fixed: Adding a contact using Exchange Web Services now properly adds email address 2 and 3.
  • Fixed: An error shown on the category filter popup window for users that have an attached domain calendar.
  • Fixed: Blanking out fields in a contact now syncs properly using Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: Bounces from a SmarterMail gateway now skip spam checks.
  • Fixed: Changes to the Active Directory Username field when editing a user are now persisted properly.
  • Fixed: Cyren now fails over to contact a different Cyren server if communication with the primary one fails.
  • Fixed: Exchange ActiveSync authentication now functions correctly when authenticating with domain aliases and Active Directory.
  • Fixed: Exchange Web Services now syncs a contact's home and work addresses.
  • Fixed: File storage downloads that take longer than two minutes now function correctly.
  • Fixed: IMAP message retrieval and migrations no longer try to select and download messages from folders with a NoSelect flag.
  • Fixed: Messages added to sent items when sending from Mac Mail using Exchange Web Services are now marked as read.
  • Fixed: Notes now delete properly from clients synced using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Fixed: The algorithm for determining if a message part is an attachment when syncing with Exchange Web Services is now the same as webmail.
  • Fixed: The start and end times for all day appointments synced with Exchange ActiveSync are now set properly to be 12 AM to midnight in the given time zone.
  • Fixed: Webmail searches now function correctly for servers that have FIPS compliance enabled.

15.0.5949 (Apr 15, 2016)

  • Added: Business IP is now included in the list of phone types when setting contact information in webmail.
  • Changed: Sending notifications for Internal Spammer Abuse Detection rules (previously limited to one per hour for all Internal Spammer notifications rules with the same type of Action) are now limited to one per hour for each rule.
  • Fixed: Cyren now fails over to contact a different Cyren server if communication with the primary one fails.
  • Fixed: Exchange ActiveSync authentication now functions correctly when authenticating with domain aliases and Active Directory.
  • Fixed: File storage downloads that take longer than two minutes now function correctly.
  • Fixed: IMAP message retrieval and migrations no longer try to select and download messages from folders with a NoSelect flag.
  • Fixed: Messages bounced from a SmarterMail gateway server back to the SmarterMail primary server will now skip spam checks.
  • Fixed: Searches now function correctly when viewing users, aliases and domain resources.
  • Fixed: The cancel button on the Import Spam Settings popup box now properly closes the popup.
  • Fixed: The Top Inbound Senders table in the Spool Dashboard now includes sender addresses that are not local accounts.

15.0.5932 (Mar 29, 2016)

  • Added: A disk usage indicator has been added to the logout dropdown menu to display a user's disk usage versus what is available.
  • Added: Certificates for DKIM can now be managed through the API.
  • Added: Dashboard page for the spool showing top sending and receiving email and IP addresses. Actions can be taken to delete or move spool messages for a particular IP or email address, as well as to block more messages from those addresses.
  • Added: Disposable addresses can now be cancelled.
  • Added: Domains and user accounts can now be renamed through the web interface without stopping the SmarterMail service.
  • Added: Exchange ActiveSync Ping connections are now displayed on the Current Connections page.
  • Added: Global spam settings are now found in a spamConfig.xml file and can be uploaded, allowing them to be easily moved over from one server to another.
  • Added: Meeting requests from email messages are now automatically added to a user's calendar in webmail with a tentative status.
  • Added: Multiple phone numbers of each type can now be added to contacts in webmail.
  • Added: Permission settings have been added for system administrator accounts for allowing them to manage domains and impersonate accounts.
  • Added: Spam settings importing now displays a modal window with a drag and drop area.
  • Added: Support for the IMAP Children extension.
  • Added: Support for the IMAP Quota extension. IMAP clients can notify users when they are getting near their mailbox size limit.
  • Added: Syncing contacts with clients that support multiple phone numbers of the same type or more than three email addresses will now properly save and sync those extra fields.
  • Added: System administrators and domains can now upload a favicon icon to use for webmail.
  • Added: System administrators can now change the account they are impersonating from the domain’s users grid.
  • Added: System administrators can now create temporary passwords for user accounts to troubleshoot issues. The actual user’s passwords can no longer be displayed in webmail while managing a domain.
  • Added: The type of a phone number in webmail now includes iPhone.
  • Added: Uploads in webmail now support a drag and drop area.
  • Added: Webmail now supports adding more than three email addresses to a contact.
  • Changed: Administrative logging was updated to log more efficiently and to be easier to read.
  • Changed: All settings files with a _bak file will automatically load from that _bak file if loading of the primary file fails.
  • Changed: Previous passwords can no longer be used when changing an expired password.
  • Removed: DomainKeys verification is no longer included as part of the spam settings that are automatically created during the getting started wizard.
  • Removed: Signing messages with DomainKeys has been removed as that signing method is obsolete. Message signing should be done with DKIM.
  • Fixed: A scenario where IMAP migration could fail.
  • Fixed: Adding a contact using Exchange Web Services now properly adds email address 2 and 3.
  • Fixed: Blanking out fields in a contact now syncs properly using Exchange Web Services.
  • Fixed: Domain extensions longer than four characters are no longer cut off when adding attendees to calendar events.
  • Fixed: Exchange Web Services now includes HomePhone2 and BusinessPhone2 when a client requests the default fields for a contact.
  • Fixed: Messages added to sent items when sending from Mac Mail using Exchange Web Services are now marked as read.
  • Fixed: Non all day appointments synced with CalDAV that have a UTC start time of 12 AM no longer sync as all day appointments.
  • Fixed: Notes now delete properly from clients synced using Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Fixed: Scenario where some messages imported using IMAP migration would get added with the current date and time instead of the correct one for that message.
  • Fixed: Searching in webmail now functions correctly on servers with FIPS compliance enabled.
  • Fixed: The algorithm for determining if a message part is an attachment when syncing with Exchange Web Services is now the same as webmail.
  • Fixed: The max weight setting now functions correctly for any URIBL check.
  • Fixed: The start and end times for all day appointments synced with Exchange ActiveSync are now set properly to be 12 AM to midnight in the given time zone.
  • Fixed: Users now save properly when using Active Directory authentication and a Windows username that is different than the SmarterMail username.

14.5.5871 (Jan 28, 2016)

  • Added: A user with full control of another user's calendar can now create/modify a meeting invite on behalf of the calendar owner.
  • Added: Domain default fields for specifying a domain's location and allowing those defaults to be propagated.
  • Added: Domain settings for specifying a domain's location can now be set through the API.
  • Added: Settings file for the MailService_SubProcess used for Cyren spam checks allowing logging to be enabled or disabled.
  • Changed: Updated ClamAV to version .99.
  • Fixed: A cleanup thread used with Cyren spam processing is now shut down properly when the SmarterMail service is shut down.
  • Fixed: A scenario in Exchange ActiveSync where a sync key mismatch could cause a null reference exception to occur which prevents a proper response to the client.
  • Fixed: A scenario where a specific ordering of events after adding a new user with an ampersand in the password could change that user's password to a URL encoded value.
  • Fixed: A scenario where blank messages could be added during an IMAP email migration.
  • Fixed: An account that exceeds it's size limit will no longer receive duplicate alert emails.
  • Fixed: An issue where meeting events accepted on an iOS device could lose time zone information for the start and end dates.
  • Fixed: Appending footers to spool messages that have 8-bit MIME text parts is now handled correctly.
  • Fixed: Certain types of events would not show in the Mac calendar app when syncing with CalDAV.
  • Fixed: Changes made to a user's calendar using Sharepoint sync are now reflected immediately in the users webmail calendar.
  • Fixed: Exchange Web Services now syncs the correct month for yearly recurrence calendar events.
  • Fixed: Importing a VCF file that contains multiple contacts now properly imports all contacts.
  • Fixed: Messages to mailing lists are now processed correctly for domains with an external location but with the "Deliver locally if user exists" option checked.
  • Fixed: Multiple calendars now correctly show in the mobile interface for users that do not also have a shared calendar.
  • Fixed: Recurring appointments synced with Outlook 2013/2016 now show the properly time instead of their UTC equivalent.
  • Fixed: Scenario in which some items, such as calendar appointments, could be duplicated when syncing with Exchange Active Sync.
  • Fixed: Searches now function correctly in webmail when using a session state server.
  • Fixed: Sending messages from Mac Mail using Exchange Web Services no longer saves duplicate copies of the message in the Sent Items folder.
  • Fixed: SharePoint no longer syncs private events within shared calendars if the user does not have full access permission.
  • Fixed: Spam checks are no longer run on the primary server when a spam score is passed from an incoming gateway server.
  • Fixed: The Bypass Gateways IP list are now properly applied when determining if an IP is whitelisted during spam checks.
  • Fixed: The Exchange Web Service's UpdateItem response is now formatted correctly when updating notes.
  • Fixed: The internal spammer check now skips messages that were sent from a whitelisted IP address.
  • Fixed: The Max Disk Space summary row in the user's Disk Usage Summary report is now displayed correctly when sent in a scheduled email.
  • Fixed: The svcUserAdmin web service's AddUser2 function now allows users to be added to domains with numbers in their TLD.
  • Fixed: The Windows domain name field no longer appears after a user that uses Active Directory authentication saves their account settings.
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