SmarterTrack Release Notes and Version History

12.4.6186 (Dec 8, 2016)

  • Added: Exception logging into LoadUidlFile catch statement for an issue where it looked like the file wasn't loading.
  • Added: IncludeQueue to the SearchCriteria of the GetChatBySearch Web Service.
  • Fixed: A case where "and" was hardcoded instead of using the Global Language String.
  • Fixed: An issue where live chat hyperlinks were not always clickable.
  • Fixed: Autoresponders now properly honor days of the week.
  • Fixed: Custom Fields in signatures no longer throws a null reference exception.
  • Fixed: Customer ID is now properly returned for CreateTicket, CreateTicketWithDate, CreateTicketFromCustomer, and CreateTicketFromCustomerWithDate Web Services.
  • Fixed: Deleting a group now properly pulls the agent ID for call logs.
  • Fixed: Duration column now sortable in Tickets area.
  • Fixed: Recurring tasks are marked as deleted when deleting an agent.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack Communicator now works on environments where TLS 1.0 is disabled.
  • Fixed: The 'Select All' keyboard shortcut, Ctrl/Cmd + A, now works within the ticket composition window.
  • Fixed: The thread that handles auto-locking of tickets now processes in batches.
  • Fixed: Ticket subject updates correctly when the subject is changed within the interface.
  • Fixed: Vimeo videos now work properly when embedded in a Community post.

12.3.6128 (Oct 13, 2016)

  • Changed: File size on the mobile interface now adjusts the abbreviation to the corresponding file size.
  • Changed: Various changes to SmarterTrack in order to work with WHMCS 6.x and 7.x.
  • Fixed: A rare case where links were not clickable in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed: An issue that left orphaned records in the database after upgrade.
  • Fixed: An issue where changing pages on a ticket search would wipe out the search.
  • Fixed: An issue where SmarterTrack live chats were not getting translated properly.
  • Fixed: An issue where the Day of Week event condition was not working.
  • Fixed: Attachments on iOS devices are now displayed as expected.
  • Fixed: Coaching tags in live chat now display properly for the person who entered the coaching message.
  • Fixed: Editing a survey now works as expected.

12.2.6074 (Aug 18, 2016)

  • Added: External RSS Feeds Name now uses Translatable Links.
  • Added: Portal Header Band is now customizable under the Brand > Portal Settings.
  • Added: Translatable strings can now be used for Community Thread Categories in the portal.
  • Changed: The Google Analytics Site ID setting has been moved to the Options tab of a brand's settings, in order to allow Google Analytics tracking for multiple brands/portals. (Previously located at Configuration > Connected Services.)
  • Fixed: A case where Survey Reports would not load correctly.
  • Fixed: An issue that prevented an upgrade process from 11.x to 12.x to complete successfully.
  • Fixed: An issue that prevented Tickets from merging together.
  • Fixed: Call Time Logs Audit reports now load as expected when filtering by groups.
  • Fixed: Department Names configured to use Translatable strings now display correctly when configuring live chat links.
  • Fixed: Department Selection Message for Live Chats now displays as expected.
  • Fixed: Departments now show correctly in the chat dropdown selection when using translatable strings for departments.
  • Fixed: Departments using Translatable Strings now display correctly under the Autoresponders tab.
  • Fixed: Departments using Translatable Strings now display correctly under the POP tab.
  • Fixed: Display names now properly show special characters when created through the Portal.
  • Fixed: Display Names now sort as expected when viewing Tickets.
  • Fixed: Download All Attachments now works as expected.
  • Fixed: Knowledge Base Articles are now sorted by name on the main Knowledge base page.
  • Fixed: Unpinning a ticket when scheduling a follow up now works as expected.
  • Security: Restricted access to Users and Organizations areas.

12.1.6004 (Jun 9, 2016)

  • Changed: Email notifications are no longer sent for comments when unsubscribed from a thread in the Community.
  • Changed: SmarterTrack no longer references ON PRIMARY during database upgrades.
  • Fixed: An issue that prevented RSS Feeds from properly displaying in the Portal.
  • Fixed: An issue that prevented threads reported as abuse to be queried properly in MySQL.
  • Fixed: Date custom fields now display as expected.
  • Fixed: Grid no longer shows in advanced search unless needed.
  • Fixed: In-line attachments no longer duplicate when a draft is automatically saved.
  • Fixed: Live chat now functions when SmarterTrack is configured as a virtual application.
  • Fixed: SMTP Settings now save properly in MySQL.
  • Fixed: Surveys now scroll as expected.
  • Fixed: Translatable strings now display correctly on Dropdown custom fields.

12.0.5976 (May 12, 2016)

  • Changed: Application level logging efficiency changes.
  • Fixed: An issue that prevented MySQL Databases from upgrading to SmarterTrack 12.x.
  • Fixed: An issue that prevented the process of upgrading from a previous version to complete successfully.
  • Fixed: Live Chat now shows browser and operating system information properly.
  • Fixed: When a user disconnects from a live chat, the "Disconnected from User" is now only shown once the chat has ended.

12.0.5962 (Apr 28, 2016)

  • Added: Incoming messages that are deleted due to abuse detection are now logged appropriately.
  • Changed: Text for Agent and User password reset settings to better differentiate between the two.
  • Fixed: All links inserted into a live chat via a canned reply will now open in a new window/tab, when applicable.
  • Fixed: Call Time Logs custom report items now load as expected.
  • Fixed: Chat Time Logs custom report items now load as expected.
  • Fixed: Description for TicketPartInfo has been updated to provide correct information in Tickets Web Service Documentation.
  • Fixed: Inserting multiple in-line images now works as expected.
  • Fixed: Live chat on mobile devices now properly updates when the chat is transferred between agents.
  • Fixed: Live chats now pop out into a new window when taken from within the Management Interface.
  • Fixed: Send Canned Reply event action now works as expected.
  • Fixed: Tickets are now distributed properly based on department settings.

12.0.5949 (Apr 15, 2016)

  • Fixed: An issue where configuring VOIP Settings caused the dropdown options to hang.
  • Fixed: An issue where tickets were not viewable in the portal if multiple email addresses were provided.
  • Fixed: Date Time Custom Fields now properly show in the ticket list.
  • Fixed: Embedded files are now included properly.
  • Fixed: Live chat requested details are now translated correctly based on the language selected.
  • Fixed: Negative numbers are no longer allowed when configuring the max call length in VOIP Settings.
  • Fixed: Negative numbers are no longer allowed when configuring the max number of lines in VOIP Settings.
  • Fixed: Searching banned users now works as expected in the Portal.
  • Fixed: Tasks will no longer be created indefinitely when using the Task Scheduler.

12.0.5932 (Mar 29, 2016)

  • Added: A warning is now given on the login page and login modals if the browser has cookies disabled.
  • Added: Ability for users to delete their own conversation threads.
  • Added: Ability to ban/unban users in the Community.
  • Added: Ability to print is now available for tablets.
  • Added: Ability to search banned users in the Community.
  • Added: Administrators can upload images for "online" and "offline" statuses for the embedded live chat widget.
  • Added: Administrators now have the ability to customize text, on a per department basis, that can be used for Live Chat Invitations.
  • Added: Agents can now change the subject of the ticket through the management interface.
  • Added: Agents now have the ability to use custom variables when composing a live chat invitation request.
  • Added: An API-driven type of live chat link that can be embedded directly into the Portal or a website and persist across pages while allowing for the chat to be popped out into its own window.
  • Added: Banned tab in the Community that allows administrators and moderators to manage banned users.
  • Added: Email notifications indicating that a private conversation update has been received in the Community.
  • Added: Moderators can now delete Community conversation messages that have been reported for abuse.
  • Added: Portal alert indicating that a private conversation update has been received in the Community.
  • Added: Preview area to review live chat customizations prior to implementation.
  • Added: Private conversations between users and agents in the Community can be enabled/disabled by both users and agents.
  • Added: Private Conversations can now be reported for abuse within the Community.
  • Added: Shortcut within a user’s Community profile for agents to quickly start a ticket, view tickets for the user or view all user details.
  • Added: The first line of a new live chat now indicates to the agent where the live chat originated.
  • Added: Top Contributors and Recent Contributors now show in the Community.
  • Added: User profiles and private conversations that have been reported for abuse will appear on the Moderate tab in the Community, allowing for administrators and moderators to handle reports of abuse.
  • Added: User Profiles in the Community that display Community Activity, Contact Info, and Statistics.
  • Added: Users can now be reported for abuse within the Community.
  • Added: Who's On live chat invitations now use the embedded live chat widget when enabled.
  • Changed: Description of "Blacklist User" to "Ban IP Address".
  • Changed: Instructions to add Tags to Community Threads in the Portal has been clarified for users.
  • Changed: Knowledge Base article breadcrumbs in the Portal are now clickable.
  • Changed: Knowledge Base folders are now clickable in the Portal, allowing only the contents of that folder to be displayed.
  • Changed: Live Chat invitations now clearly identify the recipient as the user who is logged into SmarterTrack, when available.
  • Changed: Live chat transcripts sent by email are now easier to read.
  • Changed: Live chats that were assigned to the queue now show when viewing all active and inactive chats within the management interface.
  • Changed: User Agent definitions updated to include all of the latest browsers when viewing visitor details in Who's On.
  • Changed: When handling a live chat, "Agent is typing..." has been changed to include the agent’s name.
  • Changed: When using Advanced Search in the management interface, 'All Agents' now includes anything assigned to the queue.
  • Changed: When viewing an individual knowledge base article in the Portal, an icon now indicates its status -- whether it be Private or Draft.
  • Changed: When viewing an individual news item in the Portal, an icon now indicates its status -- whether it be Private or Draft.
  • Changed: Who's On Live Chat invitations have been restyled to match the Portal look and feel.
  • Changed: You are no longer able to invite someone to a live chat that is currently in a live chat.
  • Removed: Surveys can no longer be sent through a Who's On system event.
  • Removed: Who's On live chats are now invite based only. The ability to force a user to chat has been removed.
  • Fixed: An issue where custom reports sorting was not properly saving.
  • Fixed: An issue where if only an image was the only thing included in a Knowledge Base article, the preview would incorrectly say that there was 'no content to display'.
  • Fixed: An issue where in-line images were not properly displayed when a virtual directory was used.
  • Fixed: An issue where survey questions were being cached as you moved between surveys, causing questions to be added incorrectly to surveys.
  • Fixed: Cases where embedded content from Youtube, Vimeo, etc. would be stripped from Community posts.
  • Fixed: Deleted tickets that have not been purged are now marked in the database as "closed and locked".
  • Fixed: Moderators can no longer ban each other within the Portal.
  • Fixed: Print preview for Who's On now works as expected.
  • Fixed: Raw HTML is no longer shown within the chat transcript.
  • Fixed: The setup wizard now properly assigns the SMTP settings for the brand.
  • Fixed: URL's now properly word wrap within the Community.
  • Fixed: Users can re-report a conversation if needed.
  • Fixed: When a "Copy To Address" is set for an agent, the correct link to the ticket is now provided.
  • Fixed: When deleting a brand, you now have the option to reassign the RSS feeds to another brand.
  • Fixed: Who’s On Invitation History now shows the correct information for a user.
  • Fixed: Who’s On live chat invitations now only show departments for which live chat is enabled.
  • Efficiency: A clean-up process has been added to remove orphaned files within SmarterTrack in order to reduce the overall number of files on the server.
  • Efficiency: Avatars are compressed after 30 days of inactivity to reduce disk space and reduce the number of files on the server.
  • Efficiency: Call recordings associated to call logs are compressed after 7 days of inactivity to reduce disk space and reduce the number of files on the server.
  • Efficiency: Idle system events now only look for custom fields that are used, not all custom fields available.
  • Efficiency: Raw contents for tickets are compressed after 1 day of inactivity to reduce disk space and reduce the number of files on the server.
  • Efficiency: Ticket attachments are compressed after 7 days of inactivity to reduce disk space and reduce numbers of files on server.

11.5.5932 (Mar 29, 2016)

  • Added: New error messages when creating an Email Report for clarity.
  • Fixed: Grid headers now translate correctly based on the language selected at the time of login.
  • Fixed: SMTP information no longer attempts to load if SMTP has not been configured.
  • Fixed: Transferring a chat now updates the management interface correctly.
  • Efficiency: Changed the way in which Instant Messages are loaded in the management interface.
  • Efficiency: News Items are now cached for a period of time on the Portal.
  • Efficiency: Who's On Activity is now cached for a period of time.

11.4.5906 (Mar 3, 2016)

  • Added: Deleting a brand now asks how to handle RSS feeds associated to the brand being deleted.
  • Changed: Knowledge base article breadcrumbs are now clickable.
  • Changed: Knowledge base folders are now clickable within the Portal, displaying all articles within that folder.
  • Changed: Removing a custom field from a ticket template no longer removes the historical custom field data from tickets.
  • Fixed: A case where email-embedded types were not always imported.
  • Fixed: Adding a custom field to a template no longer requires a reset of IIS.
  • Fixed: An issue where deleting a custom role caused an error.
  • Fixed: An issue where modifying surveys would include incorrect questions.
  • Fixed: An issue where registered users were not being properly linked to their corresponding tickets.
  • Fixed: Ascending and descending sort order now works as expected in custom reports.
  • Fixed: Grids in Live Chat settings now update as expected.
  • Fixed: Images in Canned Replies will now show correctly outside of SmarterTrack.
  • Fixed: Images that are added in-line while editing a message now properly save when using SmarterTrack in a virtual application pool.
  • Fixed: The setup wizard now properly creates the default SMTP account on setup.
  • Fixed: When using a direct URL to a ticket, you're no longer prompted to login if you have already done so.

11.4.5864 (Jan 21, 2016)

  • Fixed: A case where incorrect attachments would show on a ticket.
  • Fixed: A scenario where during the upgrade process, if default chat settings were used, live chats were set to 'nobody'.
  • Fixed: An issue where deleting a department would cause an error due to call log transfer settings.
  • Fixed: An issue where display names that contain { or } would not allow the management interface to load properly when viewing tickets by agent.
  • Fixed: Auto-Responder blacklist now works as expected.
  • Fixed: Custom Links for a specific ticket now work as expected.
  • Fixed: Deleting a Community category now works as expected.
  • Fixed: Knowledge Base articles and News Items now check to see if embedded images are present, before determining if no content is available.
  • Fixed: Portal and Community now check to see if an external login URL is used prior to displaying the Login Modal.
  • Fixed: Queue times now include the full amount of time the chat was in the queue for the life of the chat.
  • Fixed: Report date ranges for 'Last Year' now works as expected.
  • Fixed: Sorting within the Who'sOn Section now works as expected.
  • Fixed: The portal and Community no longer redirect to a blank URL if an external login URL was enabled but no custom url was given. The login Modal will show instead.
  • Fixed: The status of deleted tickets that have not been purged from the database will now have a status of "Closed and Locked".
  • Fixed: User's with XSS symbols in their name can now be edited properly.
  • Fixed: When scanning for broken links, links contained in 'pre' tags are now ignored when prettyprint is used.
  • Fixed: When using MySQL, Email Importing strips 4 byte characters from the email body.
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