SmarterTrack Release Notes and Version History

Build 7265 (Nov 22, 2019)

  • Added: A "User Comment" label on comments on user accounts so it's easier to distinguish a user comment from a ticket comment.
  • Added: When creating a Community thread, the Tab key will move the cursor from the title to thread body.
  • Changed: A visitor's browser/machine header detail is permanently preserved on live chats.
  • Changed: The ticket’s Take button now has a dropdown to allow "Take and Reply" options.
  • Changed: The Yes/No custom field now properly appears as a dropdown in all locations.
  • Changed: Ticket autoresponders now send to CCed addresses.
  • Fixed: A foreign key error is preventing Brand deletion.
  • Fixed: An agent's Brand and Group selectors when handling tickets now match in all ticket areas (New, Follow-up, Transfer and Create Ticket).
  • Fixed: CSV/TAB export of KB reports shows KB subjects/searches with improper encoding.
  • Fixed: CSV/TAB exports of some KB reports results in Oops page.
  • Fixed: Embedding SmarterTrack in another site is not working without using WWW on the URL when embedding is allowed.
  • Fixed: Endless spinner when saving a custom field Template without a Name on the Options tab.
  • Fixed: Improper validation of some emails.
  • Fixed: In the "Event Action" modal/grid the "Offer Survey" label is broken.
  • Fixed: Scenario that prevented brands with deleted Community Categories from being deleted.
  • Fixed: The By Agent live chat counter is slow to remove when chat is ended.
  • Fixed: The Portal’s date formats do not reflect visitor’s region.
  • Fixed: The User Details URL is not properly encoded, causing some email address characters to display incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Ticket attachments reappear in upload area after the attachment is removed and another is added.
  • Fixed: Tickets, Chats and Calls from an email addresses that contain a + do not appear on that email's User Details page.

Build 7219 (Oct 7, 2019)

  • Added: "Create Ticket" option to the (...) menu of an existing ticket's incoming message.
  • Added: Advanced Search by Departments in Call Logs.
  • Added: Advanced Search by Departments in Live Chats.
  • Added: Advanced Search by Departments in Tickets.
  • Added: New API "CreateIncomingTicket" that gives another way of creating a ticket that includes all past options.
  • Added: New chat round robin to include primary and secondary groups.
  • Added: Recent view for individual agents and departments in Global Tickets.
  • Changed: Moved chat round robin from global live chat settings to the Agent Group setting.
  • Changed: Reorder the "Ticket Workload" report and "Ticket Workload Trend" report columns.
  • Fixed: A scenario that could cause Idle Times to display a negative value.
  • Fixed: An issue in Knowledge Base Advanced Search where only one date range persisted when multiple date ranges were included in the search criteria.
  • Fixed: Basic ticket search loses focus and hides keyboard on Android devices.
  • Fixed: Chat losing its text box on disconnection.
  • Fixed: Endless spinner after saving VOIP changes.
  • Fixed: Endless spinner occurs on the Survey configuration page if no Questions have been added when saving.
  • Fixed: Endless spinner on the forms configuration page when saving if no fields have been added to the form.
  • Fixed: In Dark Theme, a grid's column headers do not show the sort caret.
  • Fixed: In Departments settings, clicking on the Brand or Department header results in the sort caret appearing on both the Brand and Department headers.
  • Fixed: In Settings -> Departments, sorting by the Brands column does not correctly sort the brands alphabetically.
  • Fixed: In VOIP Settings clicking on the Brand column in the Brand Configurations tab causes the preview pane to display an empty list.
  • Fixed: Issue that caused a thread to not sticky unless the page is immediately refreshed after submitting the Sticky Duration.
  • Fixed: Making a thread Sticky in the community could cause the editor to break.
  • Fixed: Naming issues in custom reports, some reports were listed multiple times in the dropdown.
  • Fixed: On the Final setup page for installation, the images for the links are broken.
  • Fixed: Order of the "Custom" fields In Custom Reports -> Report Item modal -> Group By dropdown not listed alphabetically by display name.
  • Fixed: Order of the Departments and Groups In Custom Reports -> Report Item modal -> Filter By dropdown not listed alphabetically.
  • Fixed: Order of the Users In Custom Reports -> Report Item modal -> Filter By dropdown not listed alphabetically by display name.
  • Fixed: Pasting an email address enclosed in <> into the ticket reply editor causes the <> to be encoded.
  • Fixed: Performing a basic search can sometimes cause a duplication of the list pane.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack Communicator cuts off after a few minutes.
  • Fixed: The Cancel and Submit button are not lined up properly when editing Knowledge Base feedback.
  • Fixed: The Group column cannot be sorted alphabetically in the Groups setting.
  • Fixed: The ticket list does not always show the assigned agent.
  • Fixed: When an Information field type is added to a Form, the text editor does not expand to the full height that's available on the modal.

Build 7157 (Aug 7, 2019)

  • Added: Agent assignment to the external provider.
  • Added: API endpoint "CreateTicketFromCustomer" that accepts a group ID for ticket creation.
  • Changed: Max file size for attachments was increased to 100 MB.
  • Removed: Default Image, Media, and Flash extensions that where used alongside of what users set as the allowed.
  • Fixed: "Add Internal Attachment" and "Attach Files" only show custom even if all files are allowed.
  • Fixed: A ticket's Communication tab isn't showing messages even when there are messages for the ticket.
  • Fixed: Custom fields using "Use current date or time as default" don't load the correct default on new tickets.
  • Fixed: Custom templates do not update the field name if the template does not already contain the autofill displayname and autofill email.
  • Fixed: Editing custom fields in the Custom Fields tab increases the ticket count in the nav tree.
  • Fixed: Live Chat Settings displays departments in random order.
  • Fixed: Printing KB articles from the Portal uses the incorrect font.
  • Fixed: Replies are not getting added to the spool after they're saved to the database, under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed: SmarterTrack Connection is not showing the friendly name on transfers.
  • Fixed: Ticket setting "Show agents on transfer" is not working properly.
  • Fixed: When SmarterTrack is installed in a sub-directory, which is not recommended, it causes the Add(+) button in the top bar to not work.
  • Fixed: When transferring across SmarterTrack instances it shows the Groups for both instances rather than just the Groups for the instance being transferred to.
  • Fixed: When transferring across SmarterTrack instances, the Brand drop down is not showing if the local install does not have multiple brands but the remote install does.
  • Fixed: When using the Login external provider, the login button on the portal does not redirect to the Custom Login URL.
  • Fixed: When you delete a Department and use "Assign Call Logs", the Agent list is not in alphabetical order.

Build 7074 (May 15, 2019)

  • Removed: #mobileadminhyperlink# event variable as it is no longer necessary based on the mobile accessibility of SmarterTrack.
  • Fixed: Cannot transfer tickets between connected SmarterTrack servers.
  • Fixed: Custom Report Item chart drop-down list showing variables instead of the translated words.
  • Fixed: In the Community, when viewing the Moderate or Banned tab, the Mark All as Read action is still visible.
  • Fixed: Specific reports break when adding them as a Custom Report Items.
  • Fixed: Tasks double click open/close when user does not have edit permissions.
  • Fixed: The Live Chat icon in the Management Interface does not appear to agents when the installation is activated with a Professional Edition license.
  • Fixed: When a department's New Tickets in Portal setting is set to All Users (login not required), the Start Ticket button does not appear on the Tickets page of the Portal for visitors that are not logged in.

Build 7067 (May 9, 2019)

  • Added: Events permission for "Trigger system-level manual events" that give agents the ability to trigger just system-level manual events.
  • Added: Live Chats > Departments > Auto-Delete settings so that administrators can configure when to automatically delete and purge old live chats and conserve disk space usage.
  • Added: The title of the outbound RSS feed now includes the brand name.
  • Changed: Call Logs > Auto-Delete is now enabled by default for new departments.
  • Changed: Custom role permissions for Knowledge Base Comments, News, Tasks, and Call Logs always grant the appropriate View permission. (Previously View was its own permission.)
  • Changed: For Survey reports, By Brand, By Agent and By Survey navigation items should depend on the Survey > View Summary permission.
  • Changed: Link related permissions.
  • Changed: Merged the "Create and Edit organization users" permission into the "Create and Edit organizations" permission.
  • Changed: Move Distribution > View Queue to Live Chats > View Queue and Tickets > View Queue permissions.
  • Changed: Tickets > Auto-Delete is now enabled by default for new departments.
  • Removed: IP Address on initial community thread posts.
  • Removed: The View role permission from Knowledge Base Comments, News, Tasks, and Call Logs.
  • Fixed: "Create and Edit organizations" permission is not properly enforced.
  • Fixed: Administrators can't see threads needing moderation if they are in a category that requires a role the administrator doesn't have.
  • Fixed: Agents with custom News permissions cannot see the news icon in the management interface.
  • Fixed: Banned users are not being properly handled when submitting new tickets or adding Knowledge Base feedback.
  • Fixed: Community categories exclude administrators when trying to access a thread in that category.
  • Fixed: Custom Fields with default values may not be saved properly.
  • Fixed: Distribution role set to none still allows transfer in certain areas.
  • Fixed: Editing a community post can cause the default font to be misconfigured for that post.
  • Fixed: Embedded inline images are not properly displaying in emails when viewed with Thunderbird.
  • Fixed: Follow Up availability is inconsistent for agents without transfer permissions.
  • Fixed: Groups in the ticket navigation tree not sorting properly.
  • Fixed: If an employee role is deleted, agents who had that role get an Oops! page when they try to navigate or refresh the Management Interface.
  • Fixed: Live Chats > Advanced Search only returns chats that the agent is a member of.
  • Fixed: Managers can view items they shouldn't be able to see by popping them out from a related task.
  • Fixed: On upgrade, it is possible for Knowledge Base Articles to not be visible on the portal if the article is not associated with any languages.
  • Fixed: Saving a News Item without a selected language can cause an endless spinner.
  • Fixed: Sending a ticket message may hang when business hours are set to end at midnight.
  • Fixed: Some actions on the Knowledge Base Articles content pane are not properly restricted based on the agent's permissions.
  • Fixed: Survey > View Details permission is not enforced properly.
  • Fixed: Tasks > Custom permissions are not being properly enforced.
  • Fixed: The Clear Helpfulness Votes function is not properly controlled by the Knowledge Base Articles > Modify permission.
  • Fixed: The News > Delete and News > Review permissions are not enforced properly.
  • Fixed: Ticket counts are off for administrators who are not members of all groups.
  • Fixed: When a dropdown custom field without a default value is left blank in chat submission, it is shown on the chat conversation tab with the field name as the value.
  • Fixed: When a user only has None or Read Only permissions for Knowledge Base Articles, they can still flag Knowledge Base Articles for review.
  • Fixed: When editing a block of text, the source code view is not formatted in a friendly manner.
  • Fixed: When editing a signature, the Insert Link popup is partially obscured.
  • Fixed: When editing the active agents for a group in the Group Dashboard, the agents are listed in a random order.
  • Fixed: When Max Messages is set to 0, forwarding a message doesn't include the forwarded message.

Build 7054 (Apr 24, 2019)

  • IMPORTANT: Allow managers to see everything in the departments to which they belong as long as they're part of at least one Group within that Department.
  • IMPORTANT: Existing Agent roles with Reports permissions set to "Full Control" will be set to "None" with this upgrade.
  • Added: "Mark As Reviewed" and "Review" to the "..." menu on the KB Article preview page.
  • Added: New employee-type role permissions for Live Chats: "Participate in Instant Messages", "Participate in Chat Rooms", and "Create and Edit Chat Rooms".
  • Added: New employee-type role permissions for Users/Organizations: "Create user profiles" and "Delete user profiles".
  • Changed: Agents without the Manager and Administrator roles cannot see Tasks assigned to other agents.
  • Changed: Allow Administrators to filter reports by any group/department, regardless of their group membership.
  • Changed: Brand > Links in KB Feedback setting now grants permission based on the minimum required role. If your setting was previously assigned to a custom User role, it will be reassigned to Registered User. If your setting was previously assigned to a custom Employee role, it will be reassigned to Agent.
  • Changed: For the Agent role, None is now the default permission for Reports.
  • Changed: For user-type roles, remove all KB article permissions except View.
  • Changed: In Roles > employee role > Events tab, changed the language string from "Access the events system" to "Create and Edit My Events" for better accuracy.
  • Changed: Modify the "Allow managers outside of this Department to view its contents" department setting to only apply to managers assigned to a group in the same brand.
  • Changed: Upgrade Azure translation API to use version 3.0.
  • Changed: When a user is deleted, any canned replies assigned to them are also deleted.
  • Changed: When editing a role, the role name and role type are now displayed in the role header.
  • Changed: When viewing the settings for an Administrator employee who doesn't have the agent role, the Tickets and Live Chat tabs are disabled.
  • Removed: Ability to search canned replies by assigned agent.
  • Removed: All Purge permissions.
  • Removed: In the everyone role, removed all permissions that require login or are handled by Brand settings.
  • Removed: News permissions for User type roles.
  • Removed: Permission for KB Comments > Report Abuse. No permissions are required to report abuse in KB feedback comments.
  • Fixed: Active chats don't account for daylight savings when calculating times to be displayed.
  • Fixed: Administrators can't see all categories in the community.
  • Fixed: Administrators without the agent role can see the brand selector in the chats nav tree.
  • Fixed: Agents without KB Article > Delete permissions can still delete a KB Article from the edit page.
  • Fixed: Agents without KB Articles > Modify permissions can still transfer KB Articles.
  • Fixed: Agents without the Call Logs > Delete permission can still delete call logs using the context (right click) menu.
  • Fixed: Agents without the Manager and Administrator roles can't perform an advanced search for chats.
  • Fixed: Canned Replies assigned to a deleted agent or department are shown in the content pane and on the Insert Canned Reply modal.
  • Fixed: Canned replies assigned to Everyone are not showing up in searches on the Canned Replies page.
  • Fixed: Editing a task from the preview causes it to open in a very large window.
  • Fixed: In-line images are not being properly embedded in outbound emails.
  • Fixed: KB Comments role permissions are never checked.
  • Fixed: Maintenance and Support expiration warning is incorrectly shown on installations running under a leased license.
  • Fixed: Replies to a thread sometimes don't update the thread's last reply date.
  • Fixed: Setting an employee role's Event permissions to None does not hide "My Events" in the settings area.
  • Fixed: Ticket Assignment and Error logs aren't properly rolling over after exceeding the max log size.
  • Fixed: Ticket created event with Send Email action is not properly replacing the #body# variable when a ticket is created by API.
  • Fixed: Ticket global views show tickets to managers that they should not be able to see.
  • Fixed: View and Read Only permissions for Call Logs do not work properly.
  • Fixed: When an agent doesn't have permissions for a specific report, it still shows in the Reports navigation tree.
  • Fixed: When an agent only has Read Only permission for News Items, the New button is still visible.
  • Fixed: When an agent tries to take a ticket in a group that they aren't a member of, the error message is improperly formatted.
  • Fixed: When creating an action for Ticket Created events, the Body Text variable is listed twice.
  • Fixed: When Distribution > "Manage Agent Status" is disabled , attempting to manage an agent's status loads the full Management Interface in a modal.
  • Fixed: When the KB Articles permissions are set to Read Only, the New button is still visible for KB Articles.

Build 7034 (Apr 5, 2019)

  • Changed: Groups and Departments will now be purged from the database 90 days after deletion.
  • Fixed: Attempting to save a comment while creating a new user results in an Oops! error.
  • Fixed: Group delete confirmation not asking what to do with associated items.
  • Fixed: Mobile styling of the 'Employee post' Community tag.
  • Fixed: Repeatedly visiting the Licensing page can cause duplicate warning modals.
  • Fixed: Text editors on the Community are not properly focusing on click.
  • Fixed: The ticket number can become duplicated in the ticket subject.
  • Fixed: Ticket Comments are being sorted in reverse order.
  • Fixed: When a user edit is saved, the preview pane is not updated.
  • Fixed: When creating a call log, selecting a group that has custom fields doesn't resize the editor.

Build 7026 (Mar 28, 2019)

  • Added: Ability to include pictures & attachments in portal conversations.
  • Added: New Ticket Aging dashboard.
  • Added: When saving a call log with matching start and end dates, trigger a save confirmation as the log as no duration.
  • Changed: Allow embedded videos from
  • Changed: Browser notifications now use the same icons as the area they are originating from.
  • Changed: Display the warning about exceeding the agent limit for a license or hosted plan when clicking the new button instead of the save button.
  • Changed: Log files will max out at about 100MB. Once a log file exceeds that limit, a new log file is started.
  • Changed: Make the ticket subject the main header item on the portal.
  • Changed: Sort event agent dropdowns alphabetically.
  • Changed: When composing a ticket reply, conversation history is appended on message send to avoid browsers from combining code that can cause message formatting issues.
  • Changed: When relating tickets, comments will stay with their respective ticket versus all being added to the primary ticket.
  • Changed: When the Insert Canned Reply modal is opened, the search bar is now automatically focused.
  • Fixed: Back to Community Threads link always goes to page 1.
  • Fixed: Backslashes are removed from canned replies when they are inserted if the canned reply also includes a single quote character (').
  • Fixed: Brand default font not being applied to previews on the portal News page.
  • Fixed: Bulk delete actions always record the acting user as Internal Agent.
  • Fixed: Can't clear the Review flag on a KB article.
  • Fixed: Deleting a brand which only has deleted departments causes an error.
  • Fixed: Error purging news items that have a linked translation.
  • Fixed: Error when trying to insert a canned reply from the list view.
  • Fixed: In Call Logs, the content pane lists the log's Start Date, while the header lists the created date.
  • Fixed: In community conversations, can't switch conversations if the current one has an embedded video.
  • Fixed: Inline images not getting properly stored in outbound ticket messages.
  • Fixed: KB Headers showing "Last Modified by: System" even if an agent modifies an article.
  • Fixed: Multi-branded installs can show chats assigned to a different agent when viewing My Live Chats > Completed.
  • Fixed: Related Community Threads aren't being properly HTML encoded.
  • Fixed: Related KB Articles aren't being properly HTML encoded.
  • Fixed: Searching canned replies and deleting one of the results refreshes the the entire list rather than just the search results.
  • Fixed: Table styling applied in froala is not preserved.
  • Fixed: The brand drop downs are missing for admins that aren't actually group members in multiple departments.
  • Fixed: Tickets started from a community thread don't properly encode the subject line.
  • Fixed: Unspecified error when trying to send a conversation message containing only an image or video.
  • Fixed: Updated Chrome style sheet is changing the font on multi-line plain text fields.
  • Fixed: When it is empty, the HTML editor can be difficult to focus on using the mouse.

Build 7005 (Mar 7, 2019)

  • Added: "Posts Marked as Answer" columns for the Community reports.
  • Added: "Replies Inserted into Chats" and "Replies Inserted into Tickets" columns to the Canned Replies Popularity report.
  • Added: "Stale" view to the Canned Replies navigation tree.
  • Added: "Threads Created" columns to the Community reports.
  • Added: Auto ellipse to the "Search String" column in Knowledge Base reports.
  • Added: Busy spinner when clicking the Move Reply button in community thread post.
  • Changed: "Email All My Tickets" action in the tickets section on the portal now sends the email to the registered user's email address instead of asking for an email address to send to.
  • Changed: "Replies Inserted into Chats" and "Replies Inserted into Tickets" columns for the Canned Replies reports now indicate the total number of times a canned reply was inserted, instead of the number of unique canned replies that were inserted.
  • Changed: Default value for the Knowledge Base and Canned Reply stale setting increased from 30 to 365.
  • Changed: Made the "Email My Tickets" action in the tickets section on the portal only visible to authenticated users.
  • Changed: Relabeled the Rank columns to # and added # columns where needed.
  • Changed: Renamed the Knowledge Base stale setting to clearly indicate that it is used for both Knowledge Base articles and Canned Replies.
  • Changed: Replaced the "Visitors" column with "User Visits", "Spider Visits" and "Total Visits" in the Knowledge Base and News Popularity reports.
  • Changed: The Statistics tab on the Knowledge Base preview page now shows "User Visits" and "Spider Visits" instead of "Unique Views".
  • Changed: The Statistics tab on the News preview page now shows "User Visits" and "Spider Visits" instead of "Unique Views" and "Hits".
  • Changed: The x axis labels on report charts show the proper numbers for reports with ranking.
  • Changed: Unauthenticated users can no longer reply to tickets from the portal.
  • Changed: Visibility of the ticket section is now based solely on the Brand's 'View Ticket Requires' setting.
  • Removed: "Agent Used" column from the Canned Reply Popularity and Canned Reply Popularity Trend reports.
  • Removed: "Comments" column from Community reports.
  • Removed: "Created" reports for Canned Replies, Knowledge Base, and News.
  • Removed: "Events" reports for Canned Replies, Knowledge Base, and News.
  • Removed: "Flagged" column from the Canned Replies Contribution and Canned Replies Contribution Trend reports.
  • Removed: "Flagged" columns from the Knowledge Base Contribution and Knowledge Base Contribution Trend reports.
  • Removed: "Flagged" reports for Canned Replies, Knowledge Base, and News.
  • Removed: "Hits" column from the News Popularity reports.
  • Removed: "Last Used" from the Canned Reply preview header.
  • Removed: "Live Chat Incoming Message" and "Live Chat Message Out" settings in the Group Time Estimates tab.
  • Removed: "Modified" reports for Canned Replies, Knowledge Base, and News.
  • Removed: "Stale" reports for Canned Replies and Knowledge Base.
  • Removed: Group By "Employee" option for the Coverage Time report.
  • Removed: Total and Averages bottom bar from multiple reports.
  • Fixed: "Coverage Time" report can show percentages above 100% and coverage times as a negative number.
  • Fixed: "Coverage Time" report is including deleted groups and departments.
  • Fixed: Adding attachment to a ticket reply in the portal fails when the language is set to Italian.
  • Fixed: Brand custom messages are being over-sanitized by the HTML editor.
  • Fixed: Deleting Ticket Message draft causes an error.
  • Fixed: Editing a link at the bottom of the text field can open the Froala popup offscreen.
  • Fixed: Event emails with a non-email From address get stuck in the spool.
  • Fixed: Improved the accuracy of Live Chat Cost Reports.
  • Fixed: Sticky thread sticks to the top of all Community views, not just Recent.
  • Fixed: Typo in documentation for the "GetUsersProperties" API call.
  • Fixed: Unicode characters not correctly handled in outbound emails.
  • Fixed: When cloning a Knowledge Base article, the associated languages are not properly copied.

Build 6989 (Feb 19, 2019)

  • Fixed: Searching the Insert Canned Reply modal doesn't work.
  • Fixed: When a News Item or Knowledge Base article is cloned, the new item copies all of the dates from the original.

Build 6984 (Feb 15, 2019)

  • IMPORTANT: Due to improvements to how search terms are indexed, we suggest reindexing your installation.
  • IMPORTANT: Due to the changes in the SmarterTrack database, you cannot downgrade or restore your installation to previous versions.
  • Added: "Last Used By" user and date information in Canned Reply preview headers.
  • Added: Ability to directly insert a canned reply from the Insert Canned Reply grid view.
  • Added: Ticket event condition for if a follow-up is scheduled.
  • Changed: Community search results are now sorted by last post date.
  • Changed: Modified the calculations for the Ticket Response Time report for more accurate reporting.
  • Changed: Report names in the report navigation tree are now simplified.
  • Removed: "Ticket Average Follow-up Response Time" report columns from multiple reports.
  • Fixed: "No Items Selected" modals are displayed with the title "Delete Confirmation".
  • Fixed: A recently deleted attachment does not get sent or displayed properly in a reply.
  • Fixed: Agent Group Activity Report could briefly display when switching between other reports.
  • Fixed: Agents not assigned to any groups can create new tickets, but have empty group and agent dropdowns.
  • Fixed: Agents who only have edit or create permissions for a KB subfolder, but not any of its parents, cannot select the folder to save a KB article in.
  • Fixed: Attachments don't properly delete from a ticket reply.
  • Fixed: Automatic time logging not working for chats.
  • Fixed: Business Hours and Holidays modals have the buttons on the left instead of the right.
  • Fixed: Canned replies edited with "Clear Formatting" have issues when inserted into a chat.
  • Fixed: Captcha image border color is not following the custom portal color settings.
  • Fixed: Chats sometimes do not pop out when using a MySQL database.
  • Fixed: Clearing the KB Helpfulness votes does not update the header until the preview pane is refreshed.
  • Fixed: Color selector when editing a chat link is cut off on the right.
  • Fixed: Dates may not be consistently converted to the same time zone if the user's time zone settings in SmarterTrack do not match the settings on their machine.
  • Fixed: Deleted custom fields are still shown as condition options when creating a new event.
  • Fixed: Email template validation is case sensitive when checking for required variables.
  • Fixed: Error message not displaying when trying to delete the default language.
  • Fixed: Error when trying to create a new signature.
  • Fixed: Files with a capitalized extension don't upload in chat even if the extension is in the allowed list.
  • Fixed: Folder dropdown when editing a canned reply is not properly sorted.
  • Fixed: Group and Department dashboards allow managers to see groups and departments they are not members of.
  • Fixed: If an agent has participated in a Chat Room, and then the permissions for the room are modified to exclude that agent, their chat icon will still turn yellow once new messages are added to the chat.
  • Fixed: If the default brand has SMTP set to "none", outbound emails without any specific department or brand information cannot be sent.
  • Fixed: If the UI auto navigates to the Users page, such as after a page refresh, the content pane shows the employees instead of the users.
  • Fixed: In the user details, selecting multiple chats or tickets and clicking the View button does not display a warning that you can only select one item.
  • Fixed: Live chat time logs cannot be edited or detached.
  • Fixed: Merging several tickets from a user's page triggers an error.
  • Fixed: On the Who's On page, the Live Chat Invitation action is not verifying that a user is selected.
  • Fixed: Searching the user list while it is still loading causes display issues.
  • Fixed: Some canned replies containing links are improperly cleaned when included in a ticket message, resulting in the message losing content when sent.
  • Fixed: Some words are improperly tokenized during search indexing and when performing a search.
  • Fixed: The edit Task windows are not opening with a consistent size.
  • Fixed: The Forms content pane is not properly HTML encoding special characters.
  • Fixed: There is extra padding above the quick search field for Tasks.
  • Fixed: Threads get marked as unread for an agent who modifies the status.
  • Fixed: Trying to start a chat in IE11 doesn't work.
  • Fixed: Users who should be able to view, but not create, tickets on the portal are not able to access the tickets section.
  • Fixed: When editing a POP account, the department dropdown is not sorted alphabetically.
  • Fixed: When upgrading SmarterTrack, if no supported language is selected as the default, generic English is added as the default language, even if there is already a generic English entry.
  • Fixed: When using MySQL and upgrading from version 11 or earlier, a SQL syntax error occurs.
  • Fixed: When viewing a thread, the clickable area for links in the right column extend beyond the link text.
  • Fixed: While creating a signature, the Insert Variables control disappears when the selection in a dropdown list is changed.

Build 6957 (Jan 29, 2019)

  • Added: "Replies Inserted Into Chats" column For Canned Reply Contribution, Canned Reply Contribution Trend, Canned Reply Popularity, and Canned Reply Popularity Trend reports.
  • Removed: Unnecessary date filters from the following reports: Flagged Canned Replies, Flagged KB Articles, Flagged News Items, Stale Canned Replies, Stale KB Articles.
  • Fixed: Can't create a new database when running with an alternate language and the server has the relevant language pack installed.
  • Fixed: Canned Reply "Inserted into Chats" are not logged, causing popularity reports to be inaccurate.
  • Fixed: For installs using MySQL, the Ticket Time Logs report is not correctly reporting if reports are billable.
  • Fixed: Forwarding messages from two different tickets - or using the Reply with Copy or Quote options from two different tickets - opens both in the same window, causing the first compose content to be lost.
  • Fixed: If the app pool doesn't have permission to access the App_Data directory, a fatal error is encountered during the setup wizard.
  • Fixed: Installs using MySQL may not fully log ticket, chat, and call log history details.
  • Fixed: Sending a ticket message when using MS Edge sometimes causes the formatting of the message - including line breaks - to be stripped.
  • Fixed: Tickets which have had a form sent can causes errors during the ticket purge process.
  • Fixed: When creating a Canned Reply, attempting to save without a title or body causes an endless spinner.
  • Fixed: When registering a user on the portal, the time zone selected is not properly saved.

Build 6948 (Jan 10, 2019)

  • Changed: Google Roboto font is now embedded in the project and no longer requires external internet connection to request the font.
  • Changed: Show error message if user tries to add an attachment with a name longer than 90 characters instead of automatically truncating the file name.
  • Removed: "Dropdown with text" custom field type.
  • Fixed: Attempting to embed the interface in an iframe at a specific domain ( does not work, but a subdomain ( does.
  • Fixed: Deleting a custom field from the grid completely clears the grid.
  • Fixed: Editing or adding a User or Employee does not save.
  • Fixed: Error when trying to find duplicate attachments for News Items.
  • Fixed: Foreign Key issue when upgrading a MySql DataBase.
  • Fixed: Tasks not associated with a related item can be saved without an assigned agent.
  • Fixed: Text changes are not preserved after clicking save when the editor is in "code view" mode.
  • Fixed: The KB Articles Modified report indicates that all KB articles are getting modified multiple times per day by Internal System.
  • Fixed: Ticket purge can hang on deleting attachments within broken Zip files.
  • Fixed: Tickets created using the API are processed incorrectly for round robin assignment.
  • Fixed: When a ticket survey dropdown or Yes/No question is not answered, the summary shows that the question was answered with "- Choose One -".
  • Fixed: When integrating a button style chat link into an external website, using a predefined image causes the button to scale to fit the window.
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