SmarterTrack Release Notes and Version History

Build 8019 (Dec 15, 2021)

  • Changed: If a lone agent is active in chat for a group, and a chat hits their "Hand-off" response timeout option, the chat is no longer removed from the agent.
  • Fixed: Custom Report doesn't display an hourly breakdown, but the emailed report does.
  • Fixed: When any Group is being used as a condition for an Event, no Groups can be deleted.
  • Fixed: When sending a draft that was composed and saved by another agent, the original agent's signature is appended and not the actual sender's.

Build 8004 (Nov 30, 2021)

  • Changed: Date / Time pickers now respect the selected language to better handle calendar layouts.
  • Changed: Links in the management interface, that are not in an editable area, now open in a new tab.
  • Changed: The "Other Agents Viewing" icon now represented with an Eye icon.
  • Changed: Where appropriate, "Agent" used in place of User or Employee in various areas of SmarterTrack.
  • Fixed: Auto-Created time logs for Tickets does not go past 1 minute and 15 seconds.
  • Fixed: Auto-responders do not send images.
  • Fixed: Create Ticket API call fails if the To: address is empty.
  • Fixed: Creating an ticket from the API with "IsHTML" set to true does not keep HTML elements in the ticket body.
  • Fixed: Display bug in Custom Reports.
  • Fixed: Editor loses focus when using Ctrl/Cmd + Z to remove a hyperlink.
  • Fixed: Four separate Custom Report Items fail to generate.
  • Fixed: If you resize the compose window while uploading a file, the upload continues to load but the status indicator disappears.
  • Fixed: Some community posts cannot be upvoted.
  • Fixed: Transferring a ticket fails when certain circumstances are present.
  • Fixed: When creating a new ticket, the Incoming Ticket label and its check box are not grouped together so when the window is resized they wrap individually.
  • Fixed: When transferring multiple tickets there is a chance that the Groups shown are not ones the agent is a member of.
  • Fixed: When you hover over the ticket row in User Details, some of the icons disappear from view.
  • Security: Fixed potential minor vulnerability.

Build 7922 (Sep 9, 2021)

  • Added: A setting on the Departments > Options page that allows administrators to set "Mark as Billable" as the default for time logs.
  • Added: In Autoresponders, added a #priority# variable for referencing the ticket's priority.
  • Added: The ability to get a ticket's FollowUpDateUTC from all API calls that return TicketInfo. (E.g., CreateIncomingTicket.)
  • Added: The ability to use Translatable Strings in the Brands > Custom Messages area.
  • Added: Validation of the items on the reply compose page when sending a ticket message and choosing 'Send and Schedule Follow-up' or 'Send and Transfer'.
  • Changed: Community Employee Activity Overview report to show the Employee's Display Name instead of Username.
  • Changed: Default Follow-up time to one day versus one hour.
  • Changed: In the Live Chat Link > Live Chat Online/Offline tabs, Anchor Title is now the Anchor Title as well as the Alt Tag.
  • Changed: The process of checking the bounce message for the ticket number will now check the embedded email, if it exists, in the bounce message to find the ticket number.
  • Fixed: Custom Reports do not respect the row count setting.
  • Fixed: If you use the "Reply with Copy" option on a ticket, and a draft is saved, the draft will stay on the ticket even after the email is sent.
  • Fixed: In the SmarterTrack API documentation, "number" is incorrectly spelled "numer" in various locations.
  • Fixed: Issue that could cause the embedded chat to break after sending an email transcript of the chat.
  • Fixed: The Canned Replies Contribution report shows no data.
  • Fixed: The Canned Replies Popularity report is ignoring the filters.
  • Fixed: The cookie disclaimer on the management login modal is not recognizing translatable strings.
  • Fixed: The News Contribution reports shows no data.
  • Fixed: The setting to block chats while a call log is open can fail in certain instances.
  • Fixed: Unable to thumbs up a recently edited comment in the Community.
  • Fixed: Uploading an image or file through the editor on the portal fails if you are not an agent.
  • Fixed: When using the API calls, GetTicketCounts_Agent and GetTicketCounts_Global, to return ticket counts, FollowUpTicketCount always returns -1 instead of the accurate follow-up count.
  • Translations: The Spanish translation for "Home" was changed from "Particular" to "Inicio".

Build 7859 (Jul 8, 2021)

  • Changed: Comments on knowledge base articles are now called "Feedback".
  • Changed: Resending a ticket message will now also send the message to carbon copied (CC) addresses.
  • Changed: Updated Bootstrap to version 4.3.1.
  • Removed: The permissions option 'All Users (login not required)' was removed from the Brand Permissions > Post Links in KB Feedback.
  • Fixed: Email content with the header "Content-Type: text/plain;" (with a trailing semi-colon) does not register properly.
  • Fixed: Issue that could cause the failure of Ticket Idle and Ticket Duration events configured for tickets with a custom field.
  • Fixed: When a Ticket Comment event action contains the #body# variable, the line breaks are missing from the comment body.
  • Fixed: When modals are moved off-screen they get stuck which can only be resolved with a refresh.
  • Security: General fixes implemented for non-critical issues.

Build 7845 (Jun 24, 2021)

  • Added: Ordering arrows to the Report Items tab of custom reports which allow agents to manually re-order report items used.
  • Removed: The column title for the up/down arrows from the header in areas that allow ordering of elements.
  • Fixed: A space is continually removed from the Email Templates after it's added it back.
  • Fixed: Doing a CSV or TAB export of a custom report containing multiple variations of the same report item only exports one set of data.
  • Fixed: Having "#mobileadminhyperlink#" in an event will cause that event to not fire.
  • Fixed: Inconsistent text box styling on the Management Interface password reset page when using Dark Theme.
  • Fixed: Live Chat Ticket/Live Chat submissions are broken when using the DateTime custom field in the live chat or ticket template.
  • Fixed: Social media links now display with the proper height.
  • Fixed: Social media links now have proper noopener and noreferrer tags.
  • Fixed: Special characters are improperly encoded in follow-up comments that get generated on subsequent ticket replies.
  • Fixed: Ticket event action "Send Reply to Ticket" does not send if the ticket does not have a CC address.
  • Translations: Updated the Italian translations.

Build 7803 (May 14, 2021)

  • IMPORTANT: It is not possible to downgrade or rollback to previous versions due to modifications to the SmarterTrack database.
  • Added: DateLastLogincUTC to the GetUsersProperties and the GetUsersPropertiesbyUsername API calls.
  • Added: Indicator on a ticket (using SignalR) to show when another agent is viewing the same ticket.
  • Added: Setting to "Force password change at next login" when creating or editing a user or agent via the management interface or through the SetUsersProperties API call.
  • Changed: In the navigation pane, "All" / "My" removed from the By Department and By Agent lists.
  • Changed: Ticket messages that have been resent will now show that resend attempt within the message body itself.
  • Removed: Agent-to-Agent Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms.
  • Fixed: If an agent started a chat from the portal, it will no longer display the incorrect "is typing" message to them.
  • Fixed: When you edit an SMTP or POP account using the right-click menu, two modal windows appear, one on top of the other.

Build 7789 (Apr 29, 2021)

  • Added: GetTicketRelatedItemInfoArrayResult API call to return a list of related items for a ticket.
  • Changed: A ticket's Related Item messages are no longer returned when using the API to get a ticket's messages. (Affected API calls: GetTicketConversationPartListFromTicketNumber and GetTicketConversationPartList.)
  • Changed: Add "All" to the beginning of the global header's navigation trees.
  • Fixed: Autoresponders are not sent to imported emails that provide a time zone using the time zone name (ex: GMT vs -0700)
  • Fixed: On the Portal, the prepositions for date and time for German language were reversed.
  • Fixed: Sitemap now properly returns 404 (rather than a 500 error) when a part isn't found.
  • Fixed: The Tickets tab of the User Details window cuts off the display of the Status column, preventing an agent from viewing all icons.
  • Fixed: User Details view was showing the old style of status icons.
  • Fixed: When "<script>" is included in the comment while scheduling a follow-up or transferring a ticket, the ticket's HTML display is malformed.
  • Efficiency: Reduced the overall number of queries for Ticket Message information.

Build 7775 (Apr 15, 2021)

  • Added: Better caching of active directory login attempt results, to help prevent account locking due to cached credentials.
  • Added: Login attempts against active directory are now logged in the Administrative log file.
  • Changed: Agents/Administrators who are logged into the Portal now have a Code View button in the html editor. Users do not.
  • Changed: Email Transcripts for live chats now only allow one email address to be entered and the transcript is delivered once per chat.
  • Changed: Logging improved significantly for SMTP delivery.
  • Changed: Updated translation strings for German translation file.
  • Fixed: A custom report sent from Scheduled Email Reports does not follow the same sort option as the Custom Reports.
  • Fixed: Added an exclusion for an exception appearing in the logs that actually is an expected behavior.
  • Fixed: After testing an SMTP or POP connection, the modal shows "disabled=false" at the top of the modal.
  • Fixed: Display issue showing duplicate attachments in the compose window when deleting one of two attachments on a ticket reply.
  • Fixed: Event action to send a ticket reply is attempting to send an email when no email address exists in the ticket.
  • Fixed: Hover styling on Survey and Form dropdown lists is incorrect in Firefox.
  • Fixed: Html editor file upload shows all file types, not just allowed file extensions.
  • Fixed: Issues deleting ticket drafts.
  • Fixed: Modified Scheduled Email Reports so that the delivery will not continually retry in the event that the resend time cannot be reset.
  • Fixed: SMTP delivery thread is now resistant to application pool stops and starts.
  • Fixed: The "Block chat while composing call logs" setting does not prevent live chats from being assigned while composing a Call Log.
  • Fixed: The default value set on custom fields does not always display in all locations.
  • Fixed: The tags and buttons throughout the Portal are inconsistently sized.
  • Fixed: Users and Organizations tickets page is not properly limiting the tickets shown for agents and managers.
  • Fixed: When an agent attempts to attach an unsupported filetype, a green success toast is shown despite the upload failing.
  • Fixed: When editing a live chat link, the Image dropdown can get stuck not allowing the image dropdown to work.
  • Fixed: When scheduling a follow-up and switching to a Group that the agent is part of, the agent assignment should not be changed.
  • Fixed: When taking/transferring tickets for a specific brand, the global Active and Waiting counts do not update without a refresh.
  • Security: General fixes implemented for non-critical issues.

Build 7747 (Mar 18, 2021)

  • Added: Confirmation modal for KB Article Feedback "Report" and "Delete" buttons.
  • Added: Dark mode for composing messages and other content in the Management Interface.
  • Changed: Delete option moved to the bottom the Actions dropdown.
  • Changed: Drop down boxes are now styled consistently.
  • Changed: Google Analytics integration updated to most recent version.
  • Changed: Minor display modifications to providing KB feedback in the portal.
  • Changed: Removed the port number from the URL for the default Live Chat website integration.
  • Changed: Restyled the the actions for KB article feedback on tablets.
  • Changed: Restyled threads in the Community for tablets.
  • Changed: Statistics (All Time, Last 30 Days) on a user's My Profile page restyled for tablets.
  • Changed: When a ticket message is forwarded, message content is now displayed in the interface and Show HTML option.
  • Changed: When taking or transferring a ticket with a draft, agents can now opt to assign the draft to the new agent or delete it.
  • Removed: "Display folder in portal search menus" KB Setting.
  • Fixed: Agents are able to transfer chats to departments that have no available agents.
  • Fixed: Chat event is missing the #adminhyperlink# variable that links directly to the live chat.
  • Fixed: Checkboxes are now sized properly in tables, and display appropriately on Safari.
  • Fixed: Content Security Policy needs to filter for http:// and https:// for URLs.
  • Fixed: Context menu in grids was not properly setting the selected index of the grid causing random jumping to occur.
  • Fixed: Font size of the Portal header restyled for mobile.
  • Fixed: Group By dropdown in reporting area is not translated correctly.
  • Fixed: Left tree is not sizing properly in Chrome on Android.
  • Fixed: Occasions where live chat users are in the queue, but there are no agents available to take the chat, now handled more gracefully.
  • Fixed: On Android tablets, Compose Ticket page cuts off content at the end of most tabs.
  • Fixed: Reactivating a purchased license shows a toast but doesn't refresh the details of the license page.
  • Fixed: Selected section showing up incorrectly on portal when in mobile mode.
  • Fixed: Some upload areas are not limiting the file browser to only supported file extensions.
  • Fixed: Specific instance where an application error occurs when a time log is added to a ticket.
  • Fixed: Specific types of emails break the width of the reply panel.
  • Fixed: The Maintenance and Support Expired notification will no longer show up multiple times.
  • Fixed: The warning that's displayed in live chat when a user attempts to upload a very large file shows HTML tags.
  • Fixed: Translatable Strings modal not working on mobile.
  • Fixed: When a custom report contains two of the same Report Item, but with different Group By selections, the report cannot be emailed.

Build 7719 (Feb 19, 2021)

  • IMPORTANT: Fixed potential minor vulnerability.
  • Changed: The option to remove a Time Log from a ticket, live chat or call log should say Delete, not Detach.
  • Changed: Updated the final page of the Getting Started wizard to use new screenshots and text.
  • Changed: Updated the text of the default Ticket, KB and News Items that are generated with new installations.
  • Fixed: After changing from a specific selected brand to all brands, no tickets appear in the tickets list.
  • Fixed: An issue purging old deleted tickets that would sometimes cause a database timeout.
  • Fixed: Employee Activity Overview, User Activity Overview and Time Logs > Ticket Overview reports show no data.
  • Fixed: In the Survey email template, button formatting is ruined if the button contains a hyperlink for the SurveyURL variable.
  • Fixed: SMTP/POP does not work if SmarterTrack server and mail server both have IPv6.
  • Fixed: The "Initializing SmarterTrack. Please wait..." spinner that appears after starting a Hosted SmarterTrack site is off-centered.
  • Fixed: The up/down arrows that are used to reorder Community Categories are broken.
  • Fixed: When a KB folder uses a Translatable String for its name, it is not translated in all areas.

Build 7705 (Feb 5, 2021)

  • Added: Carbon Copy (cc:) field for ticket submissions on the portal.
  • Added: The ability to send verification emails to selected users from the Users list. Added the Actions dropdown.
  • Changed: The timestamp on the "resend attempt" comment is now displayed in UTC time.
  • Changed: Users who are logged in can no longer change their email address when submitting tickets from the Portal.
  • Fixed: Attempting to add the Ticket Workload Trend report item to an existing custom report does not work.
  • Fixed: Completed Forms are removed from the User Details view when that user's email address is added as a User account.
  • Fixed: Department names that include special characters can not be clicked in the By Department list in the navigation pane.
  • Fixed: Event conditions or actions aren't properly focused when deleting some part of that event condition or action.
  • Fixed: In Dark Mode, the Show HTML window displays light grey text on a white background.
  • Fixed: In some reports, the Group By list "Employee" option switches between showing "User" and "Employee".
  • Fixed: Translatable Strings used in Department and Group names are not properly translating in a variety of areas.
  • Fixed: When doing an Advanced Search in Tickets, the "Comments Only" Search String option does not limit search results that contain the criteria in the comments only.
  • Security: Fixed potential minor vulnerability.

Build 7691 (Jan 22, 2021)

Key Features
  • Brand Options tab now allows the Cookie Disclaimer to be enabled/disabled on the Options tab. (It is disabled by default.)
Release Notes
  • Changed: API documentation to reference which calls require Communicator licensing.
  • Changed: German translation file (de.xml)
  • Changed: Moved the Privacy Policy URL from the new Cookie Disclaimer tab to the Portal tab in Brands.
  • Changed: Privacy Policy Options tab renamed to Cookie Disclaimer.
  • Changed: The Autoresponder Blacklist now applies to all automated email deliveries.
  • Fixed: If a QCl rule is already in place for an agent, the agent is not removed from the Agent dropdown list that appears for new rules.
  • Fixed: Language string correction for Spanish translation file.
  • Fixed: The blue highlight on the nav pane becomes vertically misaligned when the Brand selector is modified.
  • Fixed: The built-in event "Upgrade Protection Reminder" is still referencing Upgrade Protection, not Maintenance and Support.
  • Fixed: The calendar in the Holiday modal is not vertically centered for months that span 6 weeks/rows.
  • Fixed: The Knowledge Base > By Agent dropdown arrow appears even when there are no KBs assigned to agents.
  • Fixed: The tab order for the admin/company setup page in the Setup Wizard.
  • Fixed: Transfer action doesn't work for tasks that are assigned to tickets.
  • Fixed: Unable to apply new avatar for an Employee or User in the management interface.
  • Fixed: User/employee pages do not account for the Froala editor changes for the leave page warning.
  • Fixed: When creating a new user in the management interface, an endless spinner appears after the validation error informs the agent that the username is already in use.
  • Fixed: When navigating to Reports, the Agent-Group Activity report is displayed by default. However, when you expand the Audit Reports folder, Abandoned Live Chats is highlighted.
  • Fixed: When submitting a new ticket at the Portal, KB suggestions are no longer being generated based on the message body content.
  • Fixed: When using the "Copy To Address" feature, the agent reply from appears on the ticket even if the agent who is responding no longer has access to the ticket.
  • Fixed: When using the Add button to add a New Call Log to an existing live chat, the call log does not properly fill the header details.
  • Efficiency: Performance of the Users and Organizations pages significantly increased.
  • Efficiency: Unused language strings were removed from the application to simplify translation efforts.
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