SmarterTrack Release Notes and Version History

Build 7656 (Dec 18, 2020)

  • Added: API call for SendUserVerificationEmail.
  • Added: Indicator that specifies which message in a ticket thread was resent.
  • Changed: A ticket in the Queue that an agent replies to via an email client will now be automatically assigned to that agent.
  • Changed: The user verification email is now sent any time a new Registered User is created. (Previously, the verification email was only sent when users were created at the Portal.)
  • Changed: The UserSortSettings are now part of the UserSettings table.
  • Fixed: Cannot edit Font or Font Size in a new KB if the window is below a certain size.
  • Fixed: Custom Reports can be saved without any report items.
  • Fixed: In Firefox, the External Feeds modal has a scrollbar.
  • Fixed: In the groups section of the manage tab the brand name is not being translated if using a translation string.
  • Fixed: Padding for checkboxes across various grids is too narrow.
  • Fixed: Reply to Ticket event action is not sending on tickets that meet the event requirements.
  • Fixed: Some grids had scrollbars that are offset incorrectly from their scrolling content.
  • Fixed: The "Leave site?" browser warning appears when you attempt to save a new Community thread.
  • Fixed: The buttons on the VOIP Accounts modal are aligned to the left rather than to the right.
  • Fixed: When editing a call log, the Related Item modal has a scrollbar.
  • Fixed: When editing a reply or Thread in the Community, a console error appears when saving.
  • Fixed: When uploading an image or file via Froala editor, the "loading" indicator can be partially hidden behind the editor toolbar.
  • Fixed: When you save a canned reply, it shows in the list with 0 Languages.
  • Fixed: When you save a new News Items, it is duplicated.

Build 7642 (Dec 4, 2020)

  • Added: "During Holidays" and "Outside Business Hours" Conditions added to all ticket events that do not have it.
  • Added: "GetUsersProperties" API call allows you to get "Authentication Type" and "Authentication Domain".
  • Added: In Tickets and Live Chats, changed Advanced Search date range to be remembered in browser storage.
  • Added: The values that are acceptable for Authentication Type in "SetUserProperties" API documentation.
  • Changed: HTML editor added to the portal ticket submission page, replacing the text box.
  • Changed: Increase the Agent limit for the Global Tickets > By Agent dropdown to 2500.
  • Changed: Licensing page layout simplified.
  • Changed: On the User Details page, the user's display name now links to their Community Profile page.
  • Changed: Ticket event action 'Reply to Ticket' now follows the global Ticket setting for 'Default Reply Option'.
  • Fixed: Call Log window does not close after delete.
  • Fixed: In Firefox, the Knowledge Base folder modal has a scrollbar.
  • Fixed: In installations with multiple brands, the navigation pane stops updating ticket counts when an individual brand is selected from the Brands dropdown.
  • Fixed: License activation doesn't alert the user if the number of agents exceeds the license limit.
  • Fixed: Navigating a user's profile page results in error regarding st_ThreadPostAbuse in some installs.
  • Fixed: The Hosted SmarterTrack Begin Setup page flashes a spinner and background text before loading.
  • Fixed: The pencil icon that appears when an agent or user is typing on a live chat is larger than it should be.
  • Fixed: The Tickets and Knowledge Base empty preview pane icon doesn't match the menu bar icon.
  • Fixed: When editing a ticket draft message, the editor's Quote formatting gets applied to text that is not highlighted.
  • Fixed: When the Reply to Ticket event message includes a URL in an href, the URL is sometimes modified, causing the hyperlink to break.

Build 7619 (Nov 10, 2020)

  • Added: "SetUserProperties" API call now allows you to set "Active Directory Domain" as an input. (Required if Active Directory is used.)
  • Added: Copy to Clipboard button for the email address(es) in a ticket, live chat, and call log.
  • Added: Send Form modal shows all recipients with checkboxes next to them to determine who gets the form. Defaults to the primary only.
  • Added: Unsaved changes alert to several areas in the management interface.
  • Changed: "Group By" in the Report area to a dropdown.
  • Changed: Email reports have been cleaned up to look more like the interface reports.
  • Fixed: Issue that can cause some related items to not show all related tickets.
  • Fixed: When installation is running Free Edition, navigating to Licensing Settings results in Oops page and Null reference error.
  • Efficiency: Chat widget now won't update when tab isn't active, and will update immediately when you select it again.
  • Efficiency: Chat widget will now slow down update requests once a person has been on a page for a significant amount of time.
  • Efficiency: Icons are now combined into an optimized file that results in faster reload and paint of the interface.

Build 7607 (Oct 29, 2020)

  • Added: "During Holidays" and "Outside Business Hours" Conditions added to "Ticket Created" and "Ticket Message Received" events.
  • Added: Security setting to allow Administrators to modify the Content Security Policy.
  • Changed: In System and Agent Events, removed the bold styling from Conditions that are enabled.
  • Changed: Licensing page is cleaner and simplified to match other SmarterTools products.
  • Changed: Updated Track report Charts to a be more interactive.
  • Fixed: A blinking dot appears next to the line that separates the nav and preview pane on certain pages.
  • Fixed: Agents with "Manager" role can see active live chats for departments they are not a member of when viewing Live Chats > Active and By Agent.
  • Fixed: Attempting to add a translatable string token name in a field that does not support translatable strings causes the saved text to show HTML attributes.
  • Fixed: If a portal visitor is in the process of filling out the live chat widget, and all agents go AFK or business hours end, the chat gets stuck in the Queue.
  • Fixed: In the Autoresponder modal, the Insert Variables dropdown does not properly insert variables.
  • Fixed: MariaDB fails database creation with "Row Size Too Large".
  • Fixed: Scenario that causes inline images to disappear from the inline view and removes the hyperlink text surrounding the image during a draft save.
  • Fixed: The My Tickets > Follow-ups ticket counter is slow to update.
  • Fixed: The text of some event conditions shows below the checkbox for that condition.
  • Fixed: Tickets basic search will not return results if your sort is set to Department, Brand, Group, Agent, or Display Name.
  • Fixed: When exporting Trend reports, the default sort option is not preserved in the CSV or TAB file.
  • Fixed: When the "Survey Conversion Rate" report is exported, the values are not displayed under the correct headers.

Build 7579 (Oct 2, 2020)

  • Added: The ability to merge tickets for an Organization from their Tickets tab.
  • Changed: Adjust the about page to be more consistent with our other products.
  • Changed: Communicator timeout from 3600 to 180 seconds.
  • Changed: Dark theme adjusted to provide greater contrast and make it easier to use.
  • Changed: Minor styling changes within the Management interface.
  • Changed: Settings pages with a preview pane will now ignore the setting hiding them.
  • Changed: The Navigation Pane headings have been replaced with separators.
  • Changed: Translatable string button images are now more consistent with other icons.
  • Changed: Waiting tickets, whether waiting on an Agent or the customer now show as simply "Waiting" on the portal.
  • Changed: When transferring tickets in bulk, tickets with pending Drafts will be skipped and not transferred.
  • Removed: Video on the Getting Started page.
  • Fixed: Clicking the Translate button multiple times while it tries to translate causes an error.
  • Fixed: Entering a period after a hyperlink has been inserted can cause two periods to appear automatically.
  • Fixed: Issue that can cause duplicates of a language to be added to supported languages.
  • Fixed: Issue that could cause the blocked chat warning message from showing while in Call Log window.
  • Fixed: KB folders show in the Navigation Pane for an agent even if that agent does not have access to those folders.
  • Fixed: Part of a button appears above the Search bar in a News item.
  • Fixed: Removing an Agent from a Group using the Employees > Groups tab does not properly redistribute their Active and Waiting tickets.
  • Fixed: Spacing issue with the Navigation Pane in Safari.
  • Fixed: The "Duration" field is missing in the ticket list for tickets that have a duration of 0h 0m.
  • Fixed: The timer for auto-saving Drafts doesn't start until the user stops typing for the specified time.
  • Fixed: Ticket custom field auto-save happens too fast, removing focus from that custom field.
  • Fixed: Ticket query for getting tickets to auto-delete breaks on MySQL.

Build 7551 (Sep 3, 2020)

  • Added: A background thread to handle Ticket hand-off during logout.
  • Added: A busy spinner to the Hosted SmarterTrack welcome page when the Begin Setup button is clicked.
  • Added: A new API call GetAllOrganizations that returns information for all Organizations.
  • Added: API call to change an agent's availability for chats in a given group.
  • Added: SMTP selection for the Diagnostics Error Emails.
  • Added: Sort functionality to the Quality Control section.
  • Changed: Modified the Custom Field Open URL buttons/links to be consistent in all areas.
  • Changed: The Self Diagnostic page now show the full SmarterTrack build and proper .NET Framework version.
  • Changed: VOIP settings information message displayed at the top of the VOIP settings area.
  • Fixed: Attachments to ticket replies are not viewable in iOS Mail.
  • Fixed: Call Log Advanced Search does not return expected results.
  • Fixed: Image Formatting using the HTML editor is not preserved in the Ticket or when viewed in the Portal.
  • Fixed: In Safari, horizontal scrollbar are showing in the HTML editor button dropdowns.
  • Fixed: In Safari, the nav pane items are not centered vertically when they are highlighted or hovered over.
  • Fixed: In the Ticket compose window, the autocomplete dropdown is transparent, allowing the HTML editor to be seen beneath it.
  • Fixed: Issue that could cause the link window in the editor to be cut off when adding links in Ticket Signatures.
  • Fixed: Issue that prevents Agents from logging out of the Management Interface.
  • Fixed: On some pages in Safari, expanding the editor toolbar causes the page content to shift.
  • Fixed: Ticket drafts are not automatically saving when the Auto Save Frequency is specified.
  • Translations: Updated the French translation file.

Build 7524 (Aug 7, 2020)

  • Added: Ability to create new call logs from the Add menu on a live chat.
  • Added: Copy to Clipboard functionality for Ticket, Live Chat and Call Log numbers in headers.
  • Changed: "Administrate this ticket online" language string changed to "Manage this ticket online".
  • Changed: IMPORTANT: This release makes changes to the web.config file. If you have a custom web.config file, you will need to adjust it while upgrading.
  • Changed: MaxMind location package updated to most current database.
  • Changed: Report charts now appear more clear on high DPI monitors.
  • Changed: Updated jquery to 3.5.1.
  • Changed: Updated SignalR for Live Chat.
  • Changed: Updated the Froala editor to 3.1.1.
  • Removed: Image indicator from the ticket message body.
  • Fixed: An endless spinner will no longer occur if you attempt to save a custom report that has report items but no title.
  • Fixed: Brand's "Privacy Policy Options" notice appears persistently on Portal even after accepting terms.
  • Fixed: Brands > Autoresponders is now properly sorted by display name.
  • Fixed: Clicking insert on canned reply popup without an item selected will now indicate the issue instead of silently failing.
  • Fixed: Community posts will now prevent duplicate clicks to the Send button.
  • Fixed: Email addresses with an apostrophe ( ' ) could cause issues.
  • Fixed: Error message not showing properly on forgot password page.
  • Fixed: Host Header validation is broken on new brand creation.
  • Fixed: Images uploaded to various areas of SmarterTrack via Insert Image toolbar button (with a src of "TempResourceHandler.ashx") disappear after some time.
  • Fixed: In Call Logs, basic search results don't match search results of Adv Search > Search String.
  • Fixed: In Firefox, a live chat's Related Items modal was showing a scrollbar.
  • Fixed: In the live chat widget, dropdown list custom fields that use translation strings do not immediately translate when the Portal's language is changed.
  • Fixed: Live Chat input area shows after attempting to add comment to newly added ticket associated with live chat.
  • Fixed: More friendly error appears when attempting to Resend a ticket message when no SMTP account is available.
  • Fixed: On the Portal's KB folder view, added the lock icon next to the title of KBs that are marked as private.
  • Fixed: Plain Text content will now properly paste from clipboard into editor.
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue if ConnectionString property is set incorrectly and user is logged in and have remember me marked.
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue with sitemap being generated incorrectly in some locales.
  • Fixed: The Create Account button on the User Details page does not appear for agents who have role permission to 'Create a user's profile'.
  • Fixed: Ticket Advanced Search is not returning results when certain Custom Fields are used.
  • Fixed: Translatable Strings used in Department and Group names are not properly translating in a variety of areas.
  • Fixed: User activity overview report header now shows correct title.
  • Fixed: When a new Supported Language is added, the Translatable Strings tab doesn't immediately update the translated status.
  • Fixed: When creating an organization, modals generated from the Add Members or Add Comment options span the width of the popout modal.
  • Fixed: Yes/No custom fields do not default to correct value on the portal side of web interface.
  • Efficiency: Reporting system now initializes faster.
  • Security: Added noopener and noreferrer to exterior links with target="_blank".
  • Security: Chat ticket submission process is now rate limited per IP.

Build 7479 (Jun 24, 2020)

  • Changed: Included the ability to delete autoresponders when editing a Brand.
  • Changed: The attachment downloads page was adjusted so that it's now possible to access it via the API.
  • Fixed: A ticket's Idle time is being updated incorrectly when a user responds to a message multiple times in a row.
  • Fixed: After a draft message has been saved, inline images/attachments in the reply compose window cannot be completely removed without saving the draft message again.
  • Fixed: Agents can't save a new signature in Social Settings on the Portal.
  • Fixed: Agents cannot edit their own live chat comments.
  • Fixed: Certain circumstances could cause Agents to get an endless spinner when replying to tickets.
  • Fixed: If a chat is assigned to the Queue, that chat doesn’t show up in the Live Chat tab on the User Details page for that user.
  • Fixed: Live chat ticket submissions do not use agent assignment from the External Provider.
  • Fixed: Selecting multiple brands for a news item does save those brands properly.
  • Fixed: Survey Results > Answers report results in a 'fatal error' when using a MySQL database.
  • Fixed: The live chat Advanced Search option is not available when the agent's live chat role permission is set to None or if the View Queue permission is denied.

Build 7422 (Apr 27, 2020)

  • Fixed: "This ticket could not be transferred since it does not meet its closing requirements" error shows in unexpected scenarios.
  • Fixed: A rare MySQL error of "Failed to open the referenced table 'st_KBArticles'" that prevented successful upgrades.
  • Fixed: Call logs that do not contain a phone number do not appear in the User Details window or Call Log list and cannot be deleted.
  • Fixed: During a ticket reply, certain formatting of hyperlinks and inline images could cause the hyperlink to be removed and the text below to be hyperlinked with a URL that downloads the image.
  • Fixed: On the Ticket Handling report, sorting by Default and switching between Ascending / Descending doesn’t change the list sort.
  • Fixed: On the Ticket Workload/Workload Trend reports, New Ticket column is in wrong position.
  • Fixed: Scenario that causes inline images to disappear from the inline view and delete/hyperlink text surrounding the image.
  • Fixed: Scenario that could cause the autoresponder to fail to send due to null reference exception.
  • Fixed: User Details window does not show an error when an agent attempts to merge more than 10 tickets at a time.
  • Fixed: When printing a ticket or call log, the Custom Fields section shows the Token Name of translatable strings instead of the translated string.

Build 7348 (Feb 13, 2020)

  • Added: Ability to search by phone number in all areas that accept a phone number entry.
  • Added: Cursor auto-focus to Reports Filter and Group By search input when these modals are opened.
  • Changed: Added more flexibility for sorting in Tickets, Live Chat, Call Logs, Tasks, Knowledge Base, Canned Replies and News sections, where the sort of most nav pane views are preserved.
  • Changed: Added the ability to create tickets at the Portal using multiple email addresses.
  • Changed: MySQL connection string to work with the new MySQL Authentication type.
  • Changed: On a forwarded ticket message, show the recipient of the forwarded message.
  • Changed: Ticket search query to improve CPU usage.
  • Changed: Updated Brazil regional data to reflect the changes related to Daylight Savings Time.
  • Changed: Updated Cookie creation to include SameSite settings for cookies to work with Chrome update.
  • Removed: Button type for Live Chat Links.
  • Fixed: An ampersand is not properly encoded when displayed in the live chat widget.
  • Fixed: An issue where ticket reply text area overlaps the attachment area.
  • Fixed: Closed ticket duration and idle times are not correct.
  • Fixed: HTTPS site shows images being loaded from
  • Fixed: The Live Chat Link and Live Chat Online/Offline tabs show shifting text when switching the Image dropdown list to or from the Upload option.
  • Fixed: The Live Chat widget does not translate translatable string tokens when the token is used in the custom field 'Drop down list'.
  • Fixed: Using multiple of the same translation string in Department or Group name shows an Oops page instead of loading the Department or Group data.
  • Fixed: When composing a ticket (either creating a new one or replying to one), modifying the header options causes the attachment handler to disappear.
  • Fixed: When using Safari, the drop shadow on built-in live chat images appears incorrectly until a refresh.
  • Fixed: When using Send and Schedule Follow-up on a new ticket, in an installation with only one brand, a broken Brand dropdown appears.
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